Today’s Weather Forecast
Current Conditions in Thunder Bay
As of 6:00 AM EDT on Monday, June 24, 2024, the weather at Thunder Bay Airport is 10°C with shallow fog. The barometric pressure is 101.3 kPa and rising, indicating stable weather conditions. Humidity is extremely high at 99%, with a dew point of 9.8°C. Winds are light, coming from the west-southwest at 8 km/h. Visibility is excellent at 32 kilometers despite the fog.
Today’s Forecast
Thunder Bay will start the day sunny, with increasing cloudiness late this afternoon. The wind will pick up from the southwest at 20 km/h late this morning. The high will reach a warm 27°C, with a humidex of 30 making it feel hotter. The UV index is 8, which is very high, so sunscreen and protective clothing are advisable if you’re outside. Tonight, the skies will be mainly cloudy with a 40% chance of showers late this evening and overnight, along with a risk of thunderstorms. The low will be 15°C.
Weather for the Next Few Days
Tuesday, June 25: The day will feature a mix of sun and cloud, with a 40% chance of showers late in the afternoon and a risk of thunderstorms. The wind will become northwest at 30 km/h in the morning. The high will be 25°C, with a humidex of 28. The UV index will be 7. The night will have cloudy periods with a 30% chance of showers and a low of 10°C.
Wednesday, June 26: Expect a mix of sun and cloud with a 30% chance of showers and a high of 21°C. The night will have cloudy periods with a low of 6°C.
Historical Weather Data
On this date in Thunder Bay, the historical high was 32.0°C, and the record low was 2.3°C.
Wardrobe Suggestions
With temperatures rising to 27°C and a humidex of 30, light and breathable clothing is recommended for the day. Due to the very high UV index, wearing sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses is crucial. A light jacket or umbrella might be necessary in the evening due to the chance of showers and thunderstorms.
Fun Weather Fact
Did you know that Thunder Bay experiences some of the longest daylight hours in Ontario during the summer? This means more time to enjoy the beautiful outdoors, but also a greater need to stay protected from the sun.