Mostly Cloudy in Winnipeg
As of 5:49 AM CDT on Sunday, June 16, 2024, Winnipeg is experiencing mostly cloudy conditions with a temperature of 16.6°C, observed at Winnipeg Richardson International Airport. The dew point is at 16.4°C, resulting in a high humidity level of 99%. Winds are coming from the south-southeast at 27 km/h, and visibility is excellent at 24 km. The barometric pressure is 99.8 kPa and rising, indicating a potential improvement in weather conditions.
Today’s Weather Forecast
Showers and Thunderstorms Clearing for a Sunny Afternoon
The forecast for today includes showers or thunderstorms ending early this morning, followed by clearing skies. Winds will shift from the south at 30 km/h, gusting to 50 km/h, to the west at 40 km/h, gusting to 60 km/h by this morning. The high for today will be 23°C, with a humidex of 28, making it feel warmer. The UV index will be 7, indicating high UV exposure.
For tonight, expect a few clouds with winds from the west at 40 km/h, gusting to 60 km/h, diminishing to 20 km/h late in the evening, and becoming light overnight. The low temperature will be 13°C.
Tomorrow’s Weather Forecast
Sunny with a Mix of Sun and Cloud
On Monday, June 17, 2024, the weather will be sunny in the morning, becoming a mix of sun and cloud by the afternoon. The high temperature will be around 21°C, with a UV index of 7, indicating high UV exposure.
In the evening, periods of rain are expected with a low of 11°C.
Historical Weather Data
Historical High and Low Temperatures for June 16
Historically, the highest temperature recorded on this date in Winnipeg was 35.0°C in 1995, while the lowest was 0.6°C in 1958.
Wardrobe Suggestions
Given today’s weather, it is advisable to wear light, breathable clothing due to the warm temperatures and high humidity. Bring an umbrella or raincoat for the morning showers and thunderstorms. Wind-resistant clothing is also recommended due to the gusty conditions expected throughout the day. Sunscreen and sunglasses are essential due to the high UV index.
Weather Trivia
Winnipeg Weather Trivia
Did you know that Winnipeg is known for its extreme temperature variations? The city can experience temperatures as low as -40°C in winter and as high as 40°C in summer, making it one of the most climatically diverse cities in Canada.