Cloudy in Sioux Lookout
As of 6:00 AM CDT on Sunday, June 16, 2024, Sioux Lookout is experiencing cloudy conditions with a temperature of 16.0°C, observed at Sioux Lookout Airport. The dew point is 13.3°C, resulting in a humidity level of 84%. Winds are coming from the south at 10 km/h, and visibility is excellent at 24 km. The barometric pressure is 100.5 kPa and falling, indicating potential changes in the weather.
Today’s Weather Forecast
Cloudy with Showers
Sioux Lookout will remain cloudy throughout the day with a high of 18°C. Showers are expected to start later this morning, continuing through the afternoon. There is a risk of a thunderstorm late in the afternoon. Winds will be from the south at 20 km/h, gusting to 40 km/h. The UV index is expected to be 3, indicating moderate UV exposure.
For tonight, the sky will remain mainly cloudy with a 60 percent chance of showers and a risk of a thunderstorm. Fog patches will develop this evening, reducing visibility. Winds will shift to the southwest at 20 km/h, becoming light after midnight. The low temperature will be 14°C.
Tomorrow’s Weather Forecast
Mix of Sun and Cloud
On Monday, June 17, 2024, the weather will feature a mix of sun and cloud with a 40 percent chance of showers early in the morning. Fog patches will dissipate by the morning. The high temperature will be 22°C, with a UV index of 6, indicating high UV exposure.
For the night, the sky will be cloudy with a 60 percent chance of showers and a low of 13°C.
Extended Forecast
Showers and Cloudy Periods
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, expect a mix of sun and cloud with a 40 percent chance of showers. The high temperature will be 24°C. The night will have cloudy periods with a 60 percent chance of showers and a low of 16°C.
Historical Weather Data
Historical High and Low Temperatures for June 16
Historically, the highest temperature recorded on this date in Sioux Lookout was 30.0°C in 1966, while the lowest was 4.0°C in 1972.
Wardrobe Suggestions
Given today’s weather, it is advisable to wear waterproof clothing and to have an umbrella or raincoat handy due to the expected showers and potential thunderstorms. Layering is recommended to stay comfortable in the cool temperatures. For tomorrow, light, breathable clothing will be suitable, especially as the day warms up with the high UV index.
Weather Trivia
Sioux Lookout Weather Trivia
Did you know that Sioux Lookout is known as the “Hub of the North” due to its central location in Northwestern Ontario and its historical significance as a transportation and communications hub? This unique positioning often brings varied and rapidly changing weather conditions to the area.