Northwestern Ontario Wildfire Update: New Fires and Active Response as of May 19 2024

Wildfire Season - Waterbomber

Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services | Northwest Fire Region | May 19, 2024, 18:00 CDT

Northwest Region

THUNDER BAY – Wildfire Update – Four new fires were discovered in the Northwest Region by the late afternoon of May 19. At the time of this update, there are two active fires in the region. Earlier today near Ignace, Highway 17 was closed in both directions due to a fire. Since then the highway has partly reopened.

Recent Fires:

  • Dryden 6 (DRY 006): Discovered near Muskimerk Road, approximately 1.5 kilometers south of Wabigoon. The 0.1-hectare fire has been extinguished.
  • Dryden 5 (DRY 005): Found near the Raleigh Falls rest stop, about 20 kilometers west of Ignace. High winds expanded the fire to 10 hectares. Waterbombers were dispatched to support Initial Attack crews. Ontario Provincial Police temporarily closed both lanes of Hwy. 17 during the aerial operation. The fire is not yet under control.
  • Thunder Bay 4 (THU 004): Located approximately 2 kilometers east of Shabaqua Corners adjacent to Hwy. 17. The 0.1-hectare fire is being held.
  • Thunder Bay 3 (THU 003): Situated near Hwy. 17, about 36 kilometers southeast of Upsala. The 0.2-hectare fire has been extinguished.

Previously Reported Fire:

  • Fort Frances 5 (FOR 005): Discovered on May 18 near Hwy. 11, approximately 9 kilometers east of Seine River Village. The 0.5-hectare fire was extinguished on May 19.

The wildland fire hazard in the Northwest Region is mainly moderate to high in the southern half, with a low hazard prevailing in the far north. For the latest fire hazard updates in your area, please check our interactive map.

Follow Ontario’s Outdoor Burning Regulations

Ontario’s Outdoor Burning Regulations are now in effect for the Northwest Region. Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services urges the public to exercise caution when performing any outdoor burning. Use composting or local landfills to dispose of yard waste and woody debris whenever possible. If burning is necessary, adhere to the following regulations:

  • Fires should be ignited no sooner than two hours before sunset and extinguished no later than two hours after sunrise.
  • Always have adequate tools and water on-site to contain the fire.
  • Review the complete set of Outdoor Burning Regulations.

Report a Wildland Fire

  • North of the French and Mattawa Rivers: Dial 310-FIRE.
  • South of the French or Mattawa Rivers: Dial 9-1-1.
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