Sault Ste. Marie’s Detailed Weather Forecast for March 28, 2024: A Cool Introduction to the Easter Weekend

Netnewsledger Weather

SAULT STE. MARIE – WEATHER – Dawn in Sault Ste. Marie reveals a partly cloudy sky, with a brisk southwest wind adding a chill to the early morning atmosphere. The conditions at Sault Ste. Marie Airport, marked by a gentle -3.1°C and a falling pressure at 101.4 kPa, herald a weekend that promises a mix of sun and flurries as the community prepares for the Easter celebrations.

Today’s Weather Overview

Current Conditions:

With a current temperature of -3.1°C and a dew point at -9.6°C, the air is notably crisp. Humidity stands at 61%, contributing to a wind chill factor of -9, making it feel significantly colder than the thermometer suggests. The wind from the southwest at 22 km/h doesn’t help the chill, though visibility is exceptional at 32 km, indicating clear conditions for most of the area.


Expected Conditions: The weather over the next few days in Sault Ste. Marie offers a varied palette of early spring conditions, beginning with today’s mainly cloudy skies and a 60 percent chance of flurries. The wind will be milder, up to 15 km/h, pushing the high to a nippy zero degrees Celsius, with a morning wind chill of -9 and a moderate UV index of 3.

Tonight the flurries continue, possibly accumulating 2 to 4 cm, with similar wind conditions and an overnight low of -5°C, keeping the wind chill at -9.

Friday, March 29: Flurries are expected to cease by noon, leaving the sky cloudy. A potential additional local snow accumulation of 2 cm could occur before the wind shifts northwest at 20 km/h in the afternoon. Temperatures will slightly rise to +1°C, though the wind chill remains a cool -9°C in the morning, under a low UV index of 2.

Saturday, March 30: Clouds persist with a 30 percent chance of flurries, leading to a high of +3°C and a night that mirrors the day, chilly at -3°C.

Sunday, March 31: A sunny respite warms the air to +5°C, transitioning to a night of cloudy periods and a low of -4°C.

Monday, April 1: The forecast suggests a continuation of cloudy skies with a daytime high of +3°C, and a night that could bring a 40 percent chance of flurries, with temperatures dipping to -2°C.

Wardrobe Recommendations:

Dress in warm layers, especially in the morning when the wind chill is most severe. Waterproof outerwear and insulated boots are advisable for the flurries, and sunglasses will be essential for the sunny breaks, especially on Sunday.

Weather Trivia:

Sault Ste. Marie is known for its variable weather, especially in spring when conditions can switch from snow flurries to sunny skies in a matter of hours, showcasing the unpredictable beauty of the season.

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