Have Your Say on the Waterfront Master Plan Update – Pool 6 lands

Marina Park
Marina Park

Thunder Bay – LIVING – Residents of Thunder Bay are being asked to provide their feedback and input on the update to the Waterfront Master Plan, specific to the Pool 6 lands. 

“The Waterfront Master Plan hasn’t been updated since 2015, and since then several new opportunities have presented themselves”, says Guy Walter, Landscape Architect, City of Thunder Bay. “With the development we’ve seen in the area in recent years combined with increasing interest from external developers and a growing Great Lakes cruising industry, the time was right to update the master plan for the Pool 6 lands.”

Viking Octantis Berthed at the Transportation Museum Pier at Marina Park
Viking Octantis Berthed at the Lakehead Transportation Museum Pier at Marina Park

The 2015 plan provided recommendations for several land uses on the property including a mountain bike area, a large multi-use field, a Nordic spa and many others. Residents are now being asked to provide their input on their continued support of moving ahead with any or all of those previously planned uses, plus offering their ideas and visions for other uses of the area in the future.

The survey is available online until March 24 and the results will be posted in April.

To register and take part, visit thunderbay.ca/getinvolved

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