Toronto Weather Update: Flurries and Clouds on January 29 and 30, 2024

Stormy Skies

Essential Weather Forecast for Toronto, ON

Current Conditions and Forecast

Toronto is expected to have cloudy skies with a chance of flurries on January 29th and 30th, 2024. The current temperature is around 1.6°C with a humidity level of 85%. The wind is blowing from the north-northeast at 24 km/h. On January 29th, the city will face cloudy weather with a 30% chance of morning flurries, reaching a high of 2°C. The night will remain cloudy with a low of -1°C. January 30th continues the trend with cloudy skies and a 30% chance of flurries or rain showers, and a high of 2°C.

Atmospheric Insights

The atmospheric pressure is rising, currently at 101.4 kPa, and visibility is clear at 24 km. With wind chills near -6, it’s advisable to wear layered clothing and protective outerwear.

Historical Weather Data

Historically, on January 29th, Toronto has seen an average high of -2.4°C and an average low of -10.9°C. The highest temperature recorded for this date was 8.9°C in 1950, while the lowest was -23.3°C in 1952. On January 30th, the average high is -2.3°C, and the average low is -10.9°C, with the highest temperature reaching 14.0°C in 2013 and the lowest dropping to -26.1°C in 1948.

Wardrobe Suggestions

Given the chilly and potentially wet conditions, it’s recommended to dress in warm, waterproof clothing, including insulated jackets, hats, and gloves.


An interesting weather fact for Toronto: The most snow on the ground recorded in January was an impressive 46.0 cm in 2004.

VIABrought to you by the NetNewsLedger Weather Desk
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