Thunder Bay City’s Winter Road Maintenance Update – January 10, 2024

April 18, 2022 - Sidewalk Plow Snow Clearing in Downtown Waterfront District
Sidewalk Plow Snow Clearing in Downtown Waterfront District

Thunder Bay, ON – As the winter season continues to bring snow and ice, the dedicated Roads staff of Thunder Bay are working diligently to maintain safe and reliable road conditions for residents.

Official Snow Removal Guidelines

During winter weather events, Thunder Bay adheres to its official Roads Maintenance Objectives policy, which serves as a guide for snow removal operations. The policy outlines the following key criteria:

1. Major Roads Plowing: Plowing commences when there is an accumulation of 5 cm or more of snow on the traveled portion of major roads during a single storm event.

2. Local Streets Plowing: Local street plowing is initiated when there is an accumulation of 10 cm or more snow on the traveled portion of the road in a single storm event.

Efficient Snow Removal

Typically, local roadways are plowed and cleared within 72 hours after the conclusion of a snow event. However, this timeline may be extended if subsequent weather events occur within the initial 72-hour period. In such cases, if crews have already cleared the main routes and commenced work on local streets but another snowfall takes place, the focus will return to the main priority routes.

Local streets are continually monitored, and plowing is triggered once multiple smaller snow events result in an actual accumulation of 10 cm or more.

Ian Spoljarich, Manager – Roads, emphasized, “Our crews are out after each snowfall to ensure that our roads remain safe and accessible during the winter months. We understand the importance of clear roads in people’s daily lives and are committed to efficient and effective snow removal.”

Stay Informed

500 Donald Street East will now provide regular updates on snow clearing efforts online following each snow event. Residents are encouraged to stay informed by visiting

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