January 5, 2024 – Toronto Weather Update

Netnewsledger Weather

Get Ready for a Wintry Weekend in Toronto

As residents of Toronto bundle up on this chilly, for Toronto anyways, Friday morning, the city is enshrouded in mainly cloudy skies with temperatures hovering around -3°C. The brisk southwest winds, gusting up to 40 km/h, add a bite to the air, making it feel closer to -10°C. The UV index is low, typical for Canadian winters.

Wardrobe Suggestions

To navigate this wintry weather, Torontonians are advised to dress in layers. A warm base layer, followed by an insulating layer, and topped with a wind-resistant outer layer is ideal. Don’t forget accessories like gloves, a warm hat, and a scarf to protect against the wind chill. Sturdy, insulated footwear is also crucial for comfort and safety on potentially slippery sidewalks.

Weekend Forecast

Today’s mostly cloudy skies with occasional flurries set the tone for the weekend. Temperatures will peak at +1°C, but the wind chill will remain a factor throughout the day.

Saturday brings similar conditions, with cloudy skies and a 30% chance of flurries. Despite a high of +1°C, the wind chill in the morning might make it feel as cold as -8°C. The evening will likely see more flurries, adding a light wintry touch to the city.

Sunday continues the trend with a 40% chance of flurries and a high of 0°C. The day will be punctuated with cloudy periods and a persistent chill.

Weather Trivia

Did you know that the record high for January 5th in Toronto is 13.9°C, set in 1950, while the record low is a frigid -26°C set in 1981? Toronto’s weather can vary widely, reflecting the dynamic nature of Canadian winters.

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