Largest Conference for Indigenous Professionals Heads to Winnipeg

Eagle Flying Indigenous News

WINNIPEG – BUSINESS – AFOA Canada will host more than 1,100 Indigenous professionals, leaders, and representatives from Corporate Canada to discuss topics around Indigenous leadership and governance at its 22nd National Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba from March 5-7, 2024.

AFOA Canada’s National Conference is the premiere event for the exchange of knowledge and information on Indigenous management, finance, and governance in the country. It is an important venue where Indigenous financial professionals, Chief Administrators/Executive Officers, Program and Business Managers, Chiefs, Tribal Council members, government representatives and consultants working with Indigenous communities can get together to explore emerging strategies and tools to enhance finance, management and leadership in Indigenous communities and organizations.

Event Details
Tuesday, March 5 to Thursday, March 7, 2024
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg

Theme: Leading Change and Inspiring Others

Indigenous Canadians have a goal of socio-economic parity with mainstream Canadians. Many leaders of organizations are adapting to a new reality while achieving their goals. This reality includes a focus on sustainability, diversity and inclusion, work-life balance and rapid technological changes to name a few. The gap between today’s reality and that of tomorrow requires individuals to ensure their leadership style can lead the change needed and inspire others to play a crucial role in attaining a common goal.

Further details to follow.

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