Assembly of First Nations Election 2023: Announcement of Candidates for the Office of the National Chief

AFN Leadership Meeting with Prime Minister in attendance
AFN Leadership Meeting with Prime Minister in attendance

Ottawa, Unceded Algonquin Territory, Ontario – The Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, responsible for the election of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief, has received nomination papers in proper form from the following persons listed below, in alphabetical order by last name:

  1. Bellerose, Reginald – SK
  2. Makinaw, Craig – AB
  3. North, Sheila (Wikahsko Iskwew) – MB
  4. Pratt, David – SK
  5. Sayers, Dean – ON
  6. Woodhouse, Cindy – MB

According to the AFN Charter, an Eligible Candidate must:

  • Be eighteen (18) years of age or older;
  • Be of First Nations ancestry;
  • Be a member of a First Nations community, in good standing with the AFN; and
  • Have 15 eligible electors, First Nations Chiefs, endorse their candidacy.

The 2023 Election for the Office of the National Chief will take place on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, during the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly (SCA). The SCA will be conducted in a hybrid format, both virtually and in person, at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, from December 5-7, 2023.

The AFN Charter, states that “The winner of the election shall be that person who first gains a majority of sixty (60) per cent of the votes of the representatives of Members who are registered at the Assembly.” Pursuant to Resolution 34/2023, the term of the next National Chief has been adjusted to expire in the month of July 2027, extending the term of office to three years and six months.

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