Grand Council Treaty #3 Celebrates the 150th Anniversary of the Signing of Treaty #3

Grand Council Treaty #3

KENORA – INDIGENOUS – The Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3 is proud to commemorate the significant anniversary of the signing of Treaty #3 on October 3rd. Treaty #3, also known as the “Northwest Angle Treaty,” was signed on October 3, 1873, at the Northwest Angle on Lake of the Woods. This historic agreement established a solemn covenant between the Anishinaabe Nation, the Crown, and Creator. It reaffirmed our shared commitment to peaceful coexistence, the protection of Anishinaabe rights, and the ongoing use and caretaking of our traditional lands by the Anishinaabe people.

As we reflect upon this significant day in our history and we acknowledge the profound importance of honouring the spirit and intent of the treaty. Treaty #3 is not a relic of the past; it remains a living agreement that continues to shape the relationship between the Anishinaabe Nation and the Crown. It serves as the cornerstone for ongoing dialogue and collaboration between the signatory parties.

Grand Council Treaty #3 remains committed in our dedication to advocating for the rights, interests, and well-being of our people. We are committed to working closely with all parties to ensure that the promises enshrined in Treaty #3 are upheld, and that our shared future is firmly rooted in the principles of equity, respect, and cooperation.

Throughout the year, Grand Council Treaty #3 has hosted various events and activities to commemorate this significant anniversary. These initiatives have included cultural celebrations, educational awareness, and opportunities for meaningful dialogue and engagement. We invite everyone to reflect upon the profound historical significance agreement.

“This anniversary serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring relationship between the Anishinaabe Nation and the Crown,” said Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh. “We remain resolute in our commitment to uphold the spirit and intent of Treaty #3, working collaboratively towards a future characterized by mutual respect and understanding.”

We honour the wisdom, resilience, and cultural traditions of our Anishinaabe ancestors who negotiated this treaty, and we look forward to continuing to work together in mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation for a better future for all.

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