Kenora Weather Outlook a 40% Potential for Precipitation

Huskie the Muskie in Kenora Ontario
Opening Ontario Framework

Kenora – WEATHER – Today’s Forecast is calling for cloudy skies with a 40 percent chance of showers – it is nature’s way of saying, “Surprise, it’s shower time!” Don’t forget your rubber ducky! There’s also a thrilling risk of a thunderstorm this afternoon – consider it a bonus round for the adventurous.

Those pesky morning fog patches are rolling out like the red carpet for the day. The wind, meanwhile, is switching its hairstyle to northwest at 20 km/h this afternoon. High of 25°C, with a humidex of 32. The UV index is a 5 – a moderate rating, so your sunglasses can take it easy.

Tonight’s Outlook: Get ready for partly cloudy skies, a 40 percent chance of showers, and a potential thunderstorm – it’s Kenora’s way of saying, “We like to keep you guessing!” Fog patches will make a dramatic entrance after midnight. Low of 15°C – perfect snuggling weather.

Friday’s Whimsy: Expect mainly cloudy skies and a 60 percent chance of showers in the morning and early afternoon, plus the possibility of a thunderstorm. Fog patches will give their farewell performance in the morning. The wind will be channeling its inner northward spirit at 20 km/h, gusting to 40 – a real gusty superstar. High of 20°C, making it the Goldilocks of temperatures. The UV index is a 4, keeping things moderate and cool.

Callout for Fun: Have a quirky weather-related story or an epic photo of Kenora’s ever-changing skies? Share your tales and snapshots with us at, and let’s keep the weather conversation lively! Kenora’s weather may be unpredictable, but your stories are always welcome.

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