Weather Warning for Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Kasabonika, Summer Beaver, Wunnimmin Lake, and Kingfisher Lake

Rainfall Warning

Incoming Heavy Rainfall Alert

Kitchenuhmaykoobsib Inninuwug – WEATHER – Widespread rain accompanied by occasional thunderstorms is anticipated across a significant portion of far northern Ontario. Intense downpours can lead to flash floods and accumulation of water on streets. Areas situated lower than their surroundings are especially prone to localized flooding.

Potential Threats

  • Expected rainfall: 50 to 70 mm, with the possibility of even higher local amounts.


  • Starting today and lasting through tonight, potentially extending into Thursday.

Stay vigilant around rivers, streams, and culverts for potential washouts.

For flood-related concerns, connect with your nearby Conservation Authority or the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. For up-to-date information, visit

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