Weather Bulletin: Armstrong and Whitesand – Summer’s Song of Sun!

Whitesand First Nation

Today’s Forecast: “Sunlit Skies & Cloudy Interludes”

Hello Armstrong and Whitesand residents! You have the honour, if you want to call it that of being the Ontario cold spot this morning. A balmy 2.1°C out to start the morning!

The sun will grace us with its warm presence today, but expect some fluffy clouds to join the party by midday.

Temperature Teaser:
With the mercury set to reach a balmy 23°C, it feels even warmer with a humidex of 25. Perfect for any outdoor plans or perhaps a lazy day at the park.

UV Alert:
Shining bright at a UV index of 6, it’s a day to grab those sunglasses and slap on some sunscreen.

Tonight’s Forecast: “Stellar Skies & Starry Vistas”

The evening brings a partly cloudy sky, gradually clearing as the night deepens. If you’re a stargazer or simply love the serenity of a clear night, this is your moment.

Nocturnal Numbers:
Feeling cool and crisp, tonight’s temperatures drop to a fresh +5°C. If evening plans are on your agenda, you might want to take a cozy jacket.

Tomorrow’s Peek: “All About Azure”

Monday, 14th August: Nothing but blue skies and sunshine! A perfect start to your week with a glorious high of 24°C. Whether it’s a day at work or play, it seems nature’s got your back.

📸 Snap & Share!
Got a stunning snapshot of today’s skies or a serene sunset? We’d love to see. Share your captures at and let’s celebrate the beauty of our region together.

Enjoy the sun’s embrace and the shade’s comfort, Armstrong and Whitesand! Cheers to a splendid summer day!

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