LETTERS: Time for Council to Set Cyclist Safety as a Priority

Bike shop

THUNDER BAY – LETTERS – Recently, two men were convicted for their roles in the death of a 52 year old man. Essentially, the bike owner was beaten while trying to rescue his bicycle and then died a short time later. The two assailants were given what appears to be light sentences of six years and three years for taking a life. Tragically, this has occurred before the recent death of the young cyclist, Riker McKelvey.

Surely, the time has come for the city to facilitate a meeting with cycle groups, bicycle shops, individuals, the police and those interested in bicycle safety. Citizens, especially in times when we are trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions should be encouraged to commute and recreate with pedestrian and pedal power. Unfortunately, the opposite is happening and there is a growing fear of walking and pedalling in Thunder Bay. Theft of bicycles is rampant.

It’s time the city met with citizens and improve the safety of cyclists and in Thunder Bay. A copy of this letter has been sent to the attention of Mayor and Council.

Paul Filteau

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