Northwest Fire Region July 14, 2023: Two New Fires Reported

Wildfire Update

Two New Fires Confirmed

Thunder Bay – Wildfire Update – By the early evening of July 14, two new fires were confirmed in the Northwest Region:

  1. Kenora 35
  • Location: Near Cuthbert Lake, approximately 32 km west/southwest of Kenora
  • Size: 0.1 hectare
  • Status: Not Under Control
  1. Thunder Bay 29
  • Location: West of Lac Des Mille Lacs, approximately 26 km southwest of Upsala
  • Size: 18 hectares
  • Status: Not Under Control
  • Received air attack from waterbombers on Friday evening

Active Fires in the Northwest Region

Currently, there are 41 active fires in the Northwest Region, with the following status breakdown:

  • Not Under Control: 8 fires
  • Being Held: 1 fire
  • Under Control: 3 fires
  • Being Observed: 29 fires

High Number of Wildland Fires in Ontario

In the 2023 fire season, Ontario has experienced 437 wildland fires to date, surpassing both the number to date in 2022 (121 fires) and the 10-year average (355 fires).

Wildland Fire Hazard

The wildland fire hazard is mainly low across the Northwest Region, except for the Fort Frances sector where the hazard is high. Moderate to high hazard conditions are present in southern parts of the Kenora and Thunder Bay areas.

Fires of Note in the Northwest

  1. Sioux Lookout 33
  • Location: Western edge of Wabakimi Provincial Park
  • Size: 60,394 hectares
  • Status: Not Under Control
  • Ongoing value assessment and protection
  • Helicopter bucket operations providing support
  1. Sioux Lookout 44
  • Location: West side of Lake St. Joseph
  • Size: 6,730 hectares
  • Status: Not Under Control
  • Ongoing helicopter bucketing operations in priority areas
  • Ongoing values protection activities
  1. Nipigon 19
  • Location: Northwest of Ogoki Lake
  • Size: 10,182 hectares
  • Status: Not Under Control
  • Crews establishing hose lines and making progress alongside helicopter bucket machines
  • Ongoing values protection activities
  1. Red Lake 28
  • Location: 40 kilometers north of Lac Seul First Nation
  • Size: 19,177 hectares
  • Status: Not Under Control
  • Crews establishing hose lines, with helicopter bucketing support in the north and west end of the fire
  • Ongoing values protection activities

Report a Wildland Fire

To report a wildland fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, dial 310-FIRE. For forest fires located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, dial 911.

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