Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Welcomes New and Returning Board Members at Annual Meeting – June 23, 2023

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

THUNDER BAY – Health – Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) celebrated another year of success at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation on June 22, 2023 and are pleased to announce four new Directors and the return of many of our existing Board of Directors.

Joining the Board as new Directors are Charles Campbell, Kimberly Ferris, Michael Pelletier and James Peotto.
Returning to the Board of Directors for three-year terms are Gord Wickham, Dr. Andrew Dean, Pat Lang and Joy Wakefield.
Continuing their terms of office on the Board are Christine Bates, Douglas Judson, Matt Simeoni and John Hatton.
Returning as Standing Committee Community Members are Pauline Mickelson with Patient Safety and Quality of Care, and Christina Brassard with Resource Planning and Audit.  Darlene Furlong was appointed as the new Community Member on the Governance and Nominating Committee.
The following Directors have resigned their roles and were recognized for their service on the Board: John Friday, Glen Currie, Monique Rocheleau, and Dr. Pamela Wakewich.
The Board includes the following ex-officio Directors:
  • Dr. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott, President and CEO
  • Adam Vinet, Chief Nursing Executive
  • Dr. Bradley Jacobson, Chief of Staff
  • Dr. Sarita Verma, Dean, President and CEO, NOSM University
  • Dr. Salima Oukachbi, President, Professional Staff Association
At the Inaugural meeting of the Board of Directors, held immediately following the Annual Meeting, the Officers of the Corporation were elected as follows:
  • Chair – Gord Wickham
  • 1st Vice Chair – Pat Lang
  • 2nd Vice Chair – Matt Simeoni
  • Board Treasurer – John Hatton
Joy Wakefield was elected as Chair of the Patient Safety and Quality of Care Committee. Christine Bates was elected as Chair of the Human Resources Committee.
TBRHSC’s 2022/2023 Annual Report was also released and highlights some of the successes of the 2022/2023 fiscal year. To download of a copy of the Annual Report visit
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