Thunder Bay Man Faces Assault of Police Officer Charges

Thunder Bay Police Service

Thunder Bay – A local man is facing multiple charges, including assault and assaulting a police officer. The incident, which occurred on Sunday morning, took place on the north side of the city.

Officers from the Thunder Bay Police Service’s Primary Response Branch were quickly dispatched to a residential location on Cumberland Street North. The call came in shortly after 11:45 a.m. on June 4, responding to reports of a recent assault.

Upon investigation, police discovered that the victim and the accused were acquainted with each other. It was reported that the accused male had become extremely agitated at around 11 a.m. and launched an attack on the victim, during which threats were made.

Once on the scene, police found a female victim who, thankfully, did not seem to require further medical treatment.

The police also found the accused on their arrival and made attempts to arrest the male suspect. Despite the accused attacking the arresting officer, the police managed to complete the arrest after a short struggle.

The 28-year-old man from Thunder Bay now faces several charges, including:

• Assault • Uttering Threats – Death or Bodily Harm • Assault with Intent to Resist Arrest • Obstructing a Peace Officer

The Thunder Bay Police Service will release the names of the accused only after formal charges have been sworn in court.

The accused is scheduled to appear in bail court today, Monday, June 5.

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