WILD FIRE Northwest Fire Region April 27, 2023

Wildfire Update

THUNDER BAY – WILDFIRE UPDATE – Understandably with the weather, the wild fire risk at present is low.

Northwest Region 

Please note: The next update will be provided on Monday, May 1.

  • There are currently no active wildland fires in the Northwest Region.
  • Dryden 1 is out. The 0.1 hectare fire was located approximately 1 kilometre east of Eagle River.

Follow Ontario’s Outdoor Burning Regulations

Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services would like to remind the public to use caution when performing any outdoor burning. In order to dispose of yard waste and woody debris, we encourage you to use methods such as composting or using your local landfill. If you must burn, follow Ontario’s Outdoor Burning Regulations.

Fires are to be ignited no sooner than two hours before sunset and extinguished no later than two hours after sunrise. Always have tools/water adequate to contain the fire at the site. Know the rules for safe outdoor burning. Consult the full set of Outdoor Burning Regulations.

Report a Wildland Fire

To report a wildland fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE. To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.

For tips on preventing wildland fires and information on the current fire situation, follow us on Twitter in English and French @ONforestfires and @ONfeudeforet.

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