Unfit Vehicles Towed Directly to Scrapyard
Thunder Bay – NEWS – The Thunder Bay Police Service Traffic Unit joined forces with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) on Tuesday, April 25, for a Safety Lane project aimed at identifying and removing unsafe passenger and commercial motor vehicles from local roadways.

During the project, officers conducted 48 inspections, resulting in 12 vehicles being removed from the road for being unfit and requiring a complete safety check, while 24 other vehicles were identified as needing repairs prior to further operation.
In total, 37 charges were issued, and two motorists were observed using bungee cords to prevent emergency brakes in disrepair from malfunctioning.
Of the 12 vehicles removed from the road for being unfit, many were towed directly to a scrapyard.
The Thunder Bay Police Service would like to extend its appreciation to the MTO and OPP partners for their efforts during the Safety Lane project, as well as all motorists who ensure their vehicles are safe for use on the roadways.