500 Donald Street East Revamping Organizational Structure

500 Donald Street East - Thunder Bay City Hall
500 Donald Street East - Thunder Bay City Hall

New Plan To Reduce Departments and Save $2.2 Million

THUNDER BAY – POLITICS – Thunder Bay City Council has approved a revamped organizational structure for the city, with the changes and associated employee transfers set to take effect on July 4th. City Manager Norm Gale explained, “When setting the 2023 City Budget, City Council directed me to identify significant budget savings and provide a report back to them in June. By end of 2023, at least $2.2 Million of permanent reductions will need to be found through increased revenue and decreased expenses.”

Following the retirement of the General Manager of Corporate Services & Long-Term Care in February, the organizational structure was reevaluated to enhance efficiency. This led to strategic realignment, with the most notable change being the reduction of City Departments from five to four.

The updated structure is as follows: City Manager’s Office (Norm Gale, City Manager), Corporate Services (Karen Lewis, General Manager), Community Services (Kelly Robertson, General Manager), Infrastructure, Development & Operations (Kerri Marshall, General Manager).

Within Corporate Services, the Finance Division will be rebranded as the “Office of the City Treasurer,” with the City Treasurer reporting to the General Manager of Corporate Services. The reorganization offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Community Services now encompassing Long-Term Care, aligning it with older adults Community Programs and similar legislation as Child Care.
  • Community Strategies and Sustainability staff moving to the Strategic Initiatives & Engagement Division of the City Manager’s Office, facilitating collaboration with Indigenous Relations.
  • Development Services Division (Planning, Realty, Building) transferring to Infrastructure & Operations to strengthen the connection with divisions like Engineering & Operations.
  • Fire Rescue relocating to Infrastructure, Development & Operations to emphasize emergency planning, preparedness for climate change, and collaboration with Building Services.

Gale added, “The next step in the reorganization will include engaging teams across the corporation to identify efficiencies. Every option is being explored. I am grateful to all staff for their expertise, commitment and continued reliable work to deliver vital programs and services in our community.”

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