March 23, 2023 – Western and Northern Ontario Weather Outlook

winter weather

Thunder Bay – Weather – Those wet and snowy weather alerts and snowfall warnings have ended. Now it is up to the sun to start melting that latest dose of Mother Nature’s white blanket.

Thunder Bay

Good day, Thunder Bay! Today’s weather forecast is looking about as clear as your vision after your morning coffee. We’re starting off with a little bit of a cloudy disposition, but don’t worry, the sun will be making an appearance soon enough. And as for those pesky winds, they’ll be northwest at a brisk 30 km/h, gusting up to 50 – hold on to your hats, folks! But just like that one coworker who always shows up late, they’ll be leaving early in the afternoon and things will be much calmer.

Now for the temperature – it’s looking like we’ll be hitting a high of plus 3, which is perfect weather for those who enjoy having wet feet just from going outside. Oh, and don’t forget about that morning wind chill of minus 15 – a true test of your winter survival skills. As for the UV index, it’s looking like a moderate 3, so make sure to break out that SPF 30 if you’re planning on spending some time outside.

Moving on to tonight, it’s going to be clear as a freshly washed window, but make sure to bundle up as those winds will still be kicking around at up to 15 km/h. The low will be a chilly minus 16, with a wind chill of minus 21 overnight. So, grab those blankets and hot cocoa, folks – it’s going to be a cold one!

That’s all for now, Thunder Bay – stay warm and enjoy the day!

Fort Frances

Hey there, Fort Frances! Today’s weather forecast is looking as bright and sunny as your outlook after finding out the car ahead of you paid for your coffee at the drive-through.

We’ll have some winds of up to 15 km/h, but hey, who doesn’t love a good hair toss every now and then? And as for the temperature, we’re looking at a high of plus 3 – a perfect excuse to break out that pair of shorts you’ve been dying to wear all winter. Just don’t forget about that pesky wind chill of minus 17 in the morning – a perfect way to keep you on your toes and remind you that winter is still lurking around.

As for the UV index, it’s looking like a moderate 3, so be sure to pack that sunscreen in your pocket protector if you’re planning on being outside for more than a few minutes. We know you wouldn’t want to get sunburned and look like a lobster at Monday’s work meeting.

Moving on to tonight, the weather will be clear as the mind of that one coworker who always says “let’s circle back on this later.” However, the winds will still be up to 15 km/h, so make sure to hold onto your toupee or hat. The low will be minus 16, with a wind chill of minus 18 overnight. So, if you’re planning on sleeping outside, make sure to bring a few extra blankets and some hot cocoa to keep you warm.

That’s all for now, Fort Frances – enjoy the sun and stay warm out there!

Dryden and Vermilion Bay

Good day, Dryden! Today’s weather forecast is looking as clear as your mind after your morning cup of coffee. We’ll start off with a little bit of cloud cover, but don’t fret – it’ll be clearing up in no time. And as for those winds, they’ll be up to 15 km/h – just enough to make you feel like you’re in a romantic movie, but not enough to blow away your dignity.

Now, let’s talk about the temperature. We’re looking at a high of plus 2, which is perfect weather for those who love feeling like winter is finally getting shoved aside. Just don’t forget about that morning wind chill of minus 16 – a perfect excuse to snuggle up with your furry friend or a warm cup of tea. And as for the UV index, it’s looking like a moderate 3, so if you’re planning on getting a tan, you might want to try using that new self-tanning lotion you bought online.

Moving on to tonight, it’ll be as clear as your conscience after admitting to your boss that you ate the last slice of pizza at the office party. The winds will still be up to 15 km/h, so hold onto your hats and scarves, folks! The low will be minus 12, with a wind chill of minus 16 overnight. So, make sure to bring out those extra blankets and snuggle up like a bear in hibernation.

That’s all for now, Dryden – stay warm and enjoy the clear skies!


Hello, Kenora! Today’s weather forecast is looking as sunny as your disposition after a fresh cup of Timmies. We’ll have some light winds in the morning, but don’t worry – they’ll pick up in the afternoon, reaching a speedy 20 km/h. So, if you’re planning on going for a run, you might want to practice your wind resistance techniques first. And as for the temperature, we’re looking at a high of plus 1 – perfect weather for those who are ready to dust off the golf clubs thinking winter is done.

Just don’t forget about that pesky wind chill of minus 19 in the morning – a perfect way to wake you up faster than a double espresso shot.

As for the UV index, it’s looking like a moderate 3, so make sure to put on those sunglasses to protect those baby blues of yours. We wouldn’t want you to squint so much that you start resembling a raisin.

Moving on to tonight, it’ll be as clear as your internet history after deleting your browser cache. But wait, what’s that? It seems like the clouds are coming in for a party after midnight! So, if you’re a night owl, you might want to stay up and watch the show. The winds will still be south, blowing at a cool 20 km/h. The low will be minus 9, with a wind chill of minus 16 overnight. So, if you’re planning on camping outside, make sure to bring out that warm sleeping bag and a hot water bottle.

That’s all for now, Kenora – enjoy the sun, stay warm, and keep your eyes on the clouds tonight!

Sachigo Lake

Greetings, Sachigo Lake! Today’s weather forecast is looking as bright as a scientist’s smile after discovering a new element. We’ll have some sunshine with light winds up to 15 km/h – perfect for those who love feeling like they’re in the middle of a gentle breeze.

As for the temperature, it’s looking like a high of minus 5 – perfect weather for those who want to sit outside with a cup of Labrador tea. But wait, what’s that? A wind chill of minus 20 in the morning and minus 7 in the afternoon? Well, that’s a perfect excuse to wear that fluffy onesie that’s been gathering dust in your closet.

As for the UV index, it’s looking like a moderate 3, so don’t forget to wear sunscreen and protect that skin of yours. We wouldn’t want you to get sunburnt and turn into a lobster, now would we?

Moving on to tonight, it’ll be as clear as the Chief’s expectations after you’ve just asked for a pay advance. But wait, what’s that? There’s a 30 percent chance of flurries overnight?

Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world – just bring out your inner Elsa and let it go. The winds will still be up to 15 km/h, so make sure to bundle up like a burrito to keep yourself warm. The low will be minus 9, but don’t fret – the temperature will rise to minus 6 by morning. The wind chill will be near minus 14, so you might want to put on that extra layer of socks.

And remember Rachanne T says she will take your complaints in exchange for a cup of tea.

That’s all for now, Sachigo Lake – enjoy the sunshine, stay warm, and let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Wasaho Cree Nation

Hey there, Wasaho Cree Nation! Today’s weather forecast is a mix of sun and cloud – kind of like your favourite ice cream flavour with some toppings on top. But wait, what’s that? A 30 percent chance of flurries early in the morning? Looks like someone’s having a snowball fight with Mother Nature.

As for the winds, they’ll be up to 15 km/h – perfect for those who want to feel like they’re in a movie and their hair is blowing in the wind. The high temperature will be minus 12, which is colder than your ex’s heart, and the wind chill will be minus 24 in the morning and minus 15 in the afternoon. So, make sure to put on all the layers you have in your closet and pretend you’re a walking, talking marshmallow.

Moving on to the UV index, it’s looking like a low 2, so you don’t need to worry about turning into a tomato anytime soon.

As for tonight, it’ll be partly cloudy – kind of like your mood when you can’t decide what to eat for dinner. But wait, what’s that? There’s a 30 percent chance of flurries before morning? Looks like someone’s having another snowball fight with Mother Nature. The winds will still be up to 15 km/h, so make sure to wrap yourself up like a present under the Christmas tree. The low temperature will be minus 17, and the wind chill will be minus 15 in the evening and minus 24 overnight. So, make sure to wear all the warm clothes you have and pretend you’re a human burrito.

So, if you are unhappy about the weather, Lydia and Lance M say they will listen to your complaints, you just have to bring over a big piece of caribou.

That’s all for now, Wasaho Cree Nation – stay warm, have fun with the snow, and don’t forget to make some snow angels!

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