March 4, 2023 – Western and Northern Ontario Weather Outlook

winter weather

Thunder Bay – Weather – It will feel like spring for much of the region. The first weekend of March is coming in like a lamb.

Thunder Bay

Well hello there, weather aficionados! Today in Thunder Bay, we’ve got a classic case of “mainly cloudy” skies. Don’t worry though, it’s not all doom and gloom! The wind will be breezing through at a cool 15 km/h, giving you a nice refreshing gust in your hair.

Now, let’s talk temperature. We’re looking at a high of plus 5 today, but don’t get too excited just yet. In the morning, you might want to bundle up with a scarf and a toque because that wind chill will have you feeling like it’s minus 12! Brrr, that’s chilly.

Moving on to the UV index, we’re looking at a measly 2 out of 10. So, if you were hoping to get a nice tan today, maybe stick to a self-tanner instead.

As for tonight, the skies will be clearing up late in the evening, giving you a glimpse of those twinkling stars above. But don’t get too cozy just yet, because that wind will still be around, whipping up to 15 km/h. And with a low of minus 14, and a wind chill of minus 18 overnight, you might want to invest in a hot water bottle or two.

That’s all for now, folks! Stay warm, stay safe, and don’t forget to wear a hat!

Fort Frances

Here is the scoop on Fort Frances’ weather!

Today’s forecast calls for some cloudiness, but don’t let that dampen your spirits! There’s only a 30 percent chance of flurries in the late morning and afternoon, so there’s a chance you’ll get to bust out those snow boots and show off your moves.

We’ve got some breezy winds coming in at a cool 15 km/h, but that’s nothing to worry about. Just hold onto your hats and enjoy the refreshing gusts.

Now, let’s talk temperature. Today’s high is plus 3, but be warned: that wind chill will have you feeling like it’s minus 9 in the morning. Yikes! Better bring that extra layer of long underwear.

Moving on to the UV index, we’re looking at a lowly 2 out of 10, so don’t forget to protect your skin with a good coat of sunscreen.

As for tonight, the skies will be crystal clear, but that wind will still be hanging around at 15 km/h. With a low of minus 13, and a wind chill of minus 16 overnight, you’ll want to make sure to snuggle up tight under the blankets.

That’s all for now, folks! Stay warm, stay cozy, and don’t forget to put on your dancing shoes in case those flurries decide to make an appearance.

Dryden and Vermilion Bay

Here is your NNL Weather Forecast for Dryden and Vermilion Bay!

Well, it looks like we’re in for a bit of cloudiness today, folks. It’s like the sky is trying to play a game of hide-and-seek with us. We’ve also got some winds gusting up to 15 km/h, so hold onto your hats if you don’t want to end up looking like a scarecrow.

Now, onto the temperature. It’s not exactly a tropical paradise out there, with a high of plus 2. And with that wind chill factor, it’ll feel like minus 8 in the morning. Better break out those long johns and fuzzy socks if you don’t want to end up with popsicle toes.

Speaking of protection, the UV index is at a measly 1 out of 10, which means you’re probably not going to get a killer tan today. But hey, at least you won’t end up looking like a tomato.

As for tonight, the skies will be clear as a bell, but we’ve got some partly cloudy conditions creeping in before morning. With a low of minus 10, and a wind chill of minus 15 overnight, you might want to bundle up like a burrito if you’re planning on stargazing.

That’s all for now, folks! Stay warm, stay cozy, and don’t forget to keep an eye out for those sneaky clouds. Who knows, they might just be hiding something exciting up there!


Today is going to be a bit of a mixed bag, folks. We’ve got some clouds hanging around, but they’re going to be playing peek-a-boo with the sun in the afternoon. I mean, who doesn’t love a good game of hide-and-seek, am I right? But with winds gusting up to 15 km/h, you might want to make sure your hat is securely fastened or you could end up looking like Mary Poppins on a bad day.

Now, let’s talk temperature. It’s not exactly a heat wave out there with a high of plus 2, and that wind chill factor is going to make it feel like minus 11 in the morning. Better dig out that parka and woolly scarf if you don’t want to end up with a frozen nose.

But wait, there’s more! The UV index is at a lowly 2 out of 10, which means you’re probably not going to be getting a golden tan today. But that’s okay, you can always fake it with some self-tanner.

As for tonight, the skies are going to be as clear as a crystal ball, but we’ve got some partly cloudy conditions creeping in after midnight. With a low of minus 8 and a wind chill near minus 11, you might want to snuggle up with a hot cocoa and a warm blanket like a cozy little bear.

That’s all for now, folks! Stay warm, stay dry, and don’t forget to keep an eye out for those sneaky clouds. They might just be plotting something exciting up there!

Wasaho Cree Nation

Well, folks, it’s not exactly a tropical paradise out there today. We’ve got some clouds looming around, and there’s a 40 percent chance of light snow. I mean, who doesn’t love a little snow in March, right? Just be sure to watch out for those snowballs, they can be a real pain in the face!

Now, let’s talk temperature. With a high of minus 11, it’s safe to say it’s a little chilly out there. But wait, there’s more! That wind chill is going to make it feel like minus 23 in the morning and minus 18 in the afternoon. Better bundle up like a burrito if you don’t want to end up with icicles hanging from your nose!

As for the UV index, it’s a measly 1 out of 10, which means it’s basically non-existent. So, if you’re planning on getting some sun today, you might want to invest in a really powerful lamp.

Now, let’s talk about tonight. The skies are going to remain mainly cloudy, and we’ve got a 40 percent chance of light snow early in the evening. With a low of minus 15 and a wind chill near minus 21, you might want to cuddle up with a hot cup of tea and a warm blanket like a cozy little polar bear.

Well, that’s all for now, folks! Stay warm, stay safe, and remember, if you see any snowmen out there, give them a high-five for me!

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