How Mikki Mase almost lost everything in one of the worst Summer Losing Streaks.


    At what point do you just wrap up all your losses and quit gambling. At what point do you think, maybe you have gone too far. After 3 consecutive months of losses, Mikki Mase (@DirtyGothBoi) was riddled with this dilemma. After 3 months of losing at everything from high-stakes casino tables to local card games, he just couldn’t catch a break. With a pattern of misery and despair breaking him down, he was down to his last $200.

    That’s when things took a major turn. He’s supposed to be a high stakes gambler. He is supposed to be a genius. He is supposed to be the King of Baccarat.

    If you have ever heard of Mikki Mase (@DirtyGothBoi) , or stumbled upon his YouTube and TikTok videos, then you knew he wasn’t just going to quit. Mikki Mase is a straight shooter. No filter. A living rendition of the phrase “Does not give a f***”.

    With videos circulating around the web, we wanted to dig deeper into the pitfalls of just how it’s even possible that Mikki Mase has been able to make a fortune from High Stakes Baccarat. To understand where his success in the casino game began, we have to start at the bottom. A long time ago. The Pit of Despair.

    It had been 3 months of consecutive losses for Mikki Mase. Isolated and locked in his Sky Suite at the Aria Hotel And Casino in Las Vegas, when the mental impact of losing over and over again began to break him down. No one was allowed into his room, not even the maids. Thankfully, there was one executive that would do wellness checks on him to make sure he didn’t kill himself. It was over that summer that Mikki just kept losing. Lashing out at himself, smashing TV’s, and destroying everything in his path; alongside his wallet. He was broken. He had lost before, everyone loses, it happens, but not like this.

    He wouldn’t leave the room anymore, the maids weren’t allowed in and garbage had piled up in the hallways of the prestigious suite. Food was rotting and the suite became a reflection of his disturbed mind. The destruction that was left in that room would eventually lead to professionals in hazmat suits called in to clean up the toxic mess of rotting garbage, decaying salmon stuck on the windows of the Aria Sky Suite, and shattered glass from the TV’s and dinnerware. He gave it one more shot, and at this point, had no hope left. It was at that moment that one of his most monumental streaks would be documented. Mikki Mase went from his last $200 to earning $800,000 over the next 3 days.

    He had almost given up on Baccarat. Ready to throw in the towel, he walked through the Aria Casino one last time and decided to play a $100 hand of Blackjack and won it. Like most gamblers, he couldn’t just walk away after finally getting a win. He kept playing. He played Blackjack at that same table, starting with $200 until he eventually won $5,000. While the monetary sum was minuscule compared to what he was accustomed to, he felt like maybe this was his luck changing. Once he hit $5,000, he took a break and tried to walk away. That didn’t work. He hit the tables again and rode his winnings until it hit $13k. He took another break, staying consistent with his strategy. He headed to his dinner reservations.

    On the way to dinner, as he was walking through the Aria when he decided to make a quick stop at a table. He sat at the High Limit Blackjack table and ran the $13,000 to $32,000.

    He then decided to switch Casinos to MGM Grand, where they would allow him to play larger hands and was able to get his winnings up to $125,000 on his first session there. He would use these higher better limits to play more aggressively at the MGM taking his new $125,000 winnings up to $350,000. Then he switched again to another casino, for his last big wind, where he would be permitted to play even larger hands thanks to his negotiated limits. Something interestingly genius about Mikki and his strategies include the fact that before entering casinos, he has negotiations to discuss his playing terms, which include rare and unique increased betting limits. 

    This allows him to bet above the standard table limits and higher than anyone else in the casino. But there is a lot of politics and negotiations behind closed doors to get the casinos to agree to those requests. Some give and take. Those negotiations are virtually Mikki against the brightest minds and most powerful figures in the casino executive pool, something only an incredibly intelligent person can win, which Mikki has seemed to have mastered. Once he hit $350,000 he moved on over to the Palazzo and returned to super high stakes Baccarat and was able to break his 3 month losing streak by winning over $800,000 from just his original $200. This set fire to one of the biggest swings in Mikki’s life. This level of confidence that was built from going from $200 to $800,000 in 3 days set a precedent for believing in himself, and his team’s strategy, to building the reputation as the King of Baccarat.


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