Keeping Kids Safe Online: A Parent’s Guide

Being a good co-parent

Screen Time – Content – Safety

THUNDER BAY – TECH Living –  The internet can be a great resource for kids of all ages, but it also has its risks.

First off, it is recommended to limit screen time for children to two hours a day. This includes all forms of media use such as watching TV, spending time on social media, gaming, texting and messaging, or other digital activities. Too much screen time can be bad for a child’s mental, behavioural, and physical health.

Second is keeping your child safe online

There are predators out there seeking out, and luring children.

To make sure your child can safely navigate online and make the most of their time on the Internet, read the following tips and follow the suggested guidelines.

1. Talk openly with your child about their online activity: Encourage an open dialogue about their internet use. Discuss the potential risks and rewards of the internet and remind them to always think twice before sharing personal information online.

2. Keep screens and devices where you can see them: It’s important to monitor your child’s online activities and keep screens and devices in a public area where you can easily monitor what they are doing.

3. Know your parental controls: Make sure to familiarize yourself with the parental controls available on the devices your child uses and take advantage of the features available to limit access to inappropriate content.

4. Know who your child is communicating with: Be aware of who your child is talking to online. Encourage them to only communicate with people they know in real life and let them know that they should never meet with anyone they meet online.

5. Set rules and warn about dangers: Ensure your child knows the boundaries of what they are allowed to do on the computer. Explain the potential dangers and make sure they understand why it’s important to follow the rules.

6. Find out what the potential dangers are and how to deal with them: Research the potential risks of the internet and discuss them with your child. Make sure they know the importance of staying safe online and how to recognize and report inappropriate content.

7. Trust between you and your child helps keep your child safe online: Encourage trust between you and your child by having open conversations about their Internet use. This will help them feel comfortable coming to you if they encounter any online issues.

8. Make sure that when your child is using any new application, their location cannot be identified: This is especially important for social media and mapping applications. Make sure your child is aware of the potential risks of sharing their location and that they understand the importance of keeping their location private.

9. Be a role model: Children are more likely to emulate their parents’ behavior, so it’s important to set a good example and use the internet responsibly.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure that your child can safely navigate the Internet and make the most of their time online.

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