Thunder Bay Administration Proposes 5.6 Percent Tax Increase


THUNDER BAY – The proposed 2023 Municipal Budget was released to the public today during a presentation at City Hall. This year’s budget, that forms the starting point for City Council’s detailed review, provides an increase in the municipal tax levy after growth of $11.6 million or 5.6%.

“This will be the most difficult budget process ever faced by a City Council in the history of Thunder Bay.  It includes costs related to  government mandated programming that we are required to address, funding needs, service commitments, and advancing strategies like the Program & Service Review and the Digital Strategy,” said City Manager Norm Gale. “Coupled with the staggering inflation rates that everyone is experiencing, it leaves very little room to make adjustments and cuts within the budget. It took a lot of work by many people to put this budget together, and I thank everyone involved. We now put it to City Council for their direction.”

“This budget reflects the significant service level changes in Police Services, the provincially mandated Organics Program, and the impact of high inflation rates,” said Linda Evans, General Manager – Corporate Services & Long-Term Care, and City Treasurer. “The proposed budget includes a decrease to capital financed by the tax levy, an area that requires more funding to address our infrastructure deficit.”

2023 Key Budget Drivers

Increases to the tax levy include:

  • Thunder Bay Police Service ($4.1 million) and Police Service Board ($0.3 million)
  • Inflation increases for materials and purchased services in: Facilities & Fleet Services (parts and

contracted repairs & maintenance), Roads (salt & paint), and Long-Term Care and Senior Services (food) – $1.6 million

  • Program and Services Review implementation, including expansions for the Human Resources Strategy, the Digital Strategy and the provincially mandated Organics Program – $1.3 million
  • Outside Boards (Thunder Bay Public Library, DSSAB, etc., excluding TB Police Service & Police Services Board) – $0.9 million
  • Insurance premiums – $0.6 million
  • Fuel – $0.5 million
  • Debt – $0.3 million

Reductions to the tax levy include:

  • Corporate vacancy savings – $0.8 million
  • Decrease in Capital financed by the tax levy excluding Police Services – $0.8 million
  • Increase in other revenue including Administrative recoveries and Casino revenue – $0.7 million
  • Increased Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund allocation – $0.5 million
  • User fee increases (campgrounds, ice rentals, etc.) – $0.3 million

The proposed 2023 Capital financed by the tax levy budget of $16.9 million represents a decrease of $0.5 million over 2022 levels.

Get Involved

The public can get involved and give feedback to City Council on the proposed 2023 Municipal Budget the following ways:

  1. Complete an online survey, available from Jan. 4 – Feb. 2,
  2. Complete a hard copy survey through the Budget Community Handbook, available to print on the City website, or by picking up copies at the Waverley and Brodie branches of the Thunder Bay Public Library, or City Hall.
  3. Make a deputation to City Council in person, virtually via MS teams, or by sending a letter to City Council. Deputations can be made on Jan. 12  or Feb 2, starting at 6:30 pm, by sending an email request to: or by completing the request form at Walk-in deputations will also be permitted.

o   For Jan. 12 deputations, requests should be received no later than noon on Jan. 11.

o   For Feb. 2 deputations, requests should be received no later than 4:30 pm on Jan. 25.

For more deputation information contact the Office of the City Clerk at 625-2230 or visit the City website.

Council’s budget reviews will take place on Jan. 17, 19, 25, and 31, beginning at 5 pm, with approval expected on Feb. 6. To review the proposed 2023 Municipal Budget, visit:

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