“New Year’s Resolution: Finally Get Around to Cleaning Out That Closet (Or Just Buy a Bigger One)”

Last minute shopping

THUNDER BAY – Happy New Year, everyone! Can you believe it’s already been a whole year since most of us made those grand resolutions to hit the gym every day, and finally clean out the garage?

Oh well, there’s always next year.

This evening, some are deciding what to wear as they head to the living room. Others are headed out to ring in 2023 with a party. No matter your choice, lets hope we can all agree no drinking and driving.

Some Tongue in Cheek New Years Resolutions

In the spirit of starting fresh, here are some resolutions that are a little more realistic:

  1. Stop procrastinating and actually make it to the gym at least once this year. Bonus points if you remember to bring your sneakers.
  2. Make a valiant effort to clean out the garage, but if all else fails, just move all the stuff to the basement and call it a day.
  3. Finally get around to deleting that dating app you downloaded on a whim and never actually used. You never know, you might meet the love of your life at the grocery store.
  4. Learn to cook something other than ramen noodles and microwaveable burritos. Maybe try a recipe with more than three ingredients?
  5. Start a savings plan and stick to it. No more impulse purchases of novelty socks, or impulse trips to Vegas.
  6. Cut down on screen time and try to unplug from the Internet for at least an hour a day. Maybe try a new hobby, like knitting or rock climbing. Or just take a nice long nap.
  7. Make an effort to be more environmentally friendly by using reusable bags and water bottles, and recycling more. You’ll feel good about yourself and save a little bit of money in the process.
  8. Finally get around to organizing that cluttered closet. And if all else fails, just buy a bigger one.

So here’s to a new year full of achievable goals and maybe a little bit of self-improvement. Cheers!

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