Thunder Bay Update on Road Clearing

April 18, 2022 - Sidewalk Plow Snow Clearing in Downtown Waterfront District
Sidewalk Plow Snow Clearing in Downtown Waterfront District

THUNDER BAY – NEWS – During the most recent winter event, the City of Thunder Bay report areas of the city received 8-10 centimetres of snow.

Road Plowing
Road crews completed plowing of arterial and collector streets today. Local street plowing began shortly after 9 am and is expected to be completed by the end of the day Thursday.

Sidewalk Plowing
Plowing began this morning at 3 am on the arterial, collector and core area street sidewalks and is expected to continue throughout the day. Local street sidewalk snow clearing will begin once all priority routes are completed. Local street sidewalk clearing is expected to be completed by the end of the weekend.

Road Sanding/Salting
Sanding/salting of the arterial and collector streets will continue today and then move into local streets.

Parking Restrictions
Calendar Parking restrictions are in effect.

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