Fort Frances OPP Charge Paige WHITEFISH Following Traffic Stop

Impaired Driving keys and vodka shots

Fort Frances – On December 6, 2022, at approximately 3:43 a.m. Rainy River District Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were conducting general law enforcement duties in the Town of Fort Frances.

Officers observed a motor vehicle commit a traffic violation. A traffic stop was conducted and after speaking with the driver, was given a Mandatory Alcohol Screening Demand. The driver refused to provide a breath sample and subsequently arrested. The driver was released at the scene with a 90-day driver license suspension and the motor vehicle seized for seven days.

Paige WHITEFISH, 22-years-old, from Fort Frances was charged with Refuse to Provide Breath Sample, contrary to section 320.15 (1) of the Criminal Code. She was also charged with Driving while Suspended.

WHITEFISH is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Fort Frances on January 16, 2023.

Mandatory Alcohol Screening allows police with an approved alcohol screening device to demand a roadside breath sample from a lawfully stopped driver without having reasonable suspicion that a driver is alcohol impaired.

The OPP is committed to safety for all who utilize Ontario’s roadways. Members of the public are urged to report Impaired Driving by calling 911 in emergency situations. Complaints of impaired, aggressive or careless driving can also be made by calling 1-888-310-1122.

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