THUNDER BAY – Entertainment – Revel in the delights of elegant Baroque chamber music from the 18th-century German courts, as Consortium Aurora Borealis presents “Count, Duke, Prince, King”, a concert of music written by significant composers who were in the employ of aristocrats and royalty! Solos, trios, and quartets for flute, oboe, violin, cello, and harpsichord by Telemann, J. S. Bach, his son C. P. E. Bach, and King Frederick the Great of Prussia will be performed by fine local musicians Doris Dungan, Colleen Kennedy,Katie Stevens, Marc Palmquist, and Elizabeth Ganiatsos. We are overjoyed to have our beloved harpsichord return to the stage after an absence of two and a half years. Come and be charmed!
Saturday, November 19, 2022, 8:00 p.m.
St. Paul’s United Church, 349 Waverley Street, Thunder Bay, ON
Tickets at the door are $25; students $15. Children under 12 are admitted free.
Also available online through our website.
Info: 768-7420
Website: www.consortiumab.org
Masks are strongly recommended.
This concert is sponsored by Tbaytel and Centre for Health Care Ethics Lakehead University: Dr. Jaro Kotalik & Louisa Pedri.