How to Personalize Your Weight Loss Plan

Eating Healthy

Weight loss has multiple health benefits for the body. Crucial among these is the fact that it minimizes the risk of critical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are tons of general tips out there for losing weight healthily. For example, you can turn to a healthier diet and regular physical activity. But the most effective tip is to tailor weight loss plans to an individual’s needs and preferences.

It can be quite a challenge to initially determine what works for you. These tips can guide you through figuring out a weight loss plan based on your body’s needs and your preferences.

Set weight loss goals

Your weight loss goals give you direction and something to work hard for. In establishing your goals, follow the SMART format to set yourself up for success. The acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. You set a specific fitness goal that is measurable, and is doable given your circumstances. Then you impose a realistic timeline at the end of which you expect to see certain results. For instance, if you’re aiming to shed pounds for a beach trip, keep in mind that the healthy way to go is to lose 0.5 to 1 kg a week. Set your weight loss timeline based on how many kilograms you need to lose. If you want to lose 10 kg, then you will need two to three months of disciplined dieting and exercise.

Determine your body’s needs

While it can be tempting to follow diet trends aligned with your goals, keep in mind that your body has its own unique needs. Consult your doctor or nutritionist to see if there are certain dieting methods that could be detrimental to your health. For example, those who have digestion problems are generally advised against trying intermittent fasting. This is because the approach involves long bouts of not eating. Sudden large meals can stress out the gastrointestinal system and manifest in symptoms such as indigestion, constipation or lower abdominal pain.

Cook your own meals

Preparing your own meals gives you more control over your portions and nutritional intake. When you order out, the portions are sometimes too big, but it feels wasteful to not finish them. This may make you eat more than you were hungry for. Additionally, cooking your own meals lets you easily adjust your diet when you notice that you are lacking a certain macronutrient. If you’ve observed that you ate less fiber this week, you can meal prep for next week with several vegetable-filled meals in mind. Cooking your own meals can be learned–not to mention there are tons of resources online that can teach you how to meal prep to save time.

“When it comes to losing weight, many people turn to diets like the South Beach Diet, however if you’re trying to lose weight and looking for a weight loss plan that’s going to help you reach your goals, then Medifast diet is your solution.”


Choose a workout setup

Workouts aid your weight loss plan in that they burn calories and boost your body’s metabolic processes. To fully customize your workout, opt for a virtual gym set-up. Simply compile workout videos on YouTube into one playlist. There’s the California-based certified fitness instructor Cassey Ho who creates Pilates and no-jump, no-equipment workouts that you can easily follow at home. And you can mix her videos with workout guides from other channels if you want to incorporate body-specific routines.

Ultimately, arriving at a healthy weight loss plan that perfectly suits you will take lots of trial and error. With these tips, it won’t be as challenging to work your way to a plan that delivers visible and sustainable weight loss results.

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