Chamber of Commerce Releases Opportunity Platform for Civic Election 2022

500 Donald Street East - Thunder Bay City Hall
500 Donald Street East - Thunder Bay City Hall

The Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce has released its 2022 “City of Opportunity”
platform for the upcoming municipal election.  Based on three pillars of a strong, resilient community, the platform includes ten actions recommended by Chamber Members in support of the development of opportunities for everyone in the community of Thunder Bay.  Over the next three weeks, the Chamber will be asking municipal candidates to endorse the ten actions of the platform and will report back on each candidate’s response.

The Chamber’s initial City of Opportunity platform was developed for the 2018 Municipal Election and was wholly endorsed by all twelve elected Councillors.  The 2022 platform builds on the work that has been done over the past 4 years, and calls for:

Visionary Leadership through commitments to:

  • leading by example
  • partnerships
  • openness
  • prudent spending

Economic Opportunity through commitments to:

  • less red tape
  • customer service standards
  • long-term thinking

Quality of Life through commitments to:

  • great neighbourhoods
  • safe streets
  • diversity and inclusion

“We feel that our 2018 platform was instrumental in communicating business priorities effectively to our current Council, and in driving results like the Program and Service Review, the Rethink zoning by-law, and the reduction of the 10-year average annual tax levy increase from 3.36% to 2.95%,” said Charla Robinson, President. “Our 2022 platform builds on the work that has been done over the past four years, including addressing concerns about cohesion among Council members and between Council and City Administration.”

Candidates will have until September 21 to respond to the Chamber’s survey, and responses will be published in early October.

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