Shanna Warner is Out to Break the Spell of Marketing


    Having worked for several beauty companies, Shanna Warner is familiar with the power of marketing. Add in what you see on social media, and you have a classic case of information overload. A celeb or influencer advertising something does not make it a great product, and just because something goes viral, it will not work for everyone.

    These elements inspired Shanna to create her brand, Be Your Own (BYO) Beauties. Her mission is to offer genuine product feedback and help people find personalized solutions to their concerns. In addition to providing a wealth of information in one centralized hub, she offers one-on-one virtual consults to those looking for optimal skincare and makeup routines. An inclusive brand, BYO Beauties will gladly provide guidance to anyone who seeks it regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. The ultimate vision is to create a safe haven and a close-knit beauty community.

    Shanna is a firm believer in “no BS beauty.” While beautifully photographed ads with alluring language draw some people in, this enthusiast knows what is and isn’t her style. At the same time, she appreciates the effort that goes into bringing products to life, even the most gorgeous campaigns aren’t enough to sway her buying decisions. Nor are they sufficient to prompt her to recommend a product she does not feel would benefit others.

    Recognizing that companies spend billions to capitalize on people’s fear of missing out, Shanna wanted to bring a no-nonsense approach to an industry that is not known for transparency. This influencer is out to bust myths and give unbiased opinions on makeup and skincare products. She also offers money-saving tips for scouting sales, store loyalty programs, and finding cost-effective dupes for the hottest products on the market. Her hallmark service is one on one virtual consultations for customized beauty routines.

    This rebellious redhead does have her favorite prestige brands, and she uses the money saved to splurge on them from time to time. Yet she doesn’t pay full price but picks them up when the brand’s website is running a sale or some other deal is available. The key here, Shanna explains, is patience. And paying for everything out of pocket lends credibility to her reviews.

    With a philosophy of keeping things real, her feedback is unbiased, and she is not afraid to admit if a product is overhyped. For Shanna, the only rule in beauty is sunscreen every day. Other than that, there are no rules. BYO Beauties is built around makeup as self-expression and people embracing their own looks rather than how society thinks people should look. As she puts it, “makeup is a deeply personal form of self-expression that can speak volumes.”

    Yet she knows the difference between a product she does not recommend and a product she would not use herself. There is no one size fits all approach to beauty, and this is one of the most critical messages Shanna Warner wants to share.


    Twitter: @BYOBeauties

    Instagram: @beyourownbeauties

    YouTube: Be Your Own Beauties

    Website (under construction):


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