What are the requirements for obtaining a driver’s licence in Dubai?

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    Dubai, UAE

    Roads and Transportation Authority of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) conducts RTA Theory Tests to give a Driving Licence.

    Getting your driver’s licence allows you to legally operate a car, motorcycle, or other motorised vehicles in Dubai.You’ll need to pass the Dubai driving theory test before you can receive your driver’s licence.

    It consists of a few questions from the Driver’s Licence test itself. This theoretical exam will test your knowledge of Dubai’s traffic laws, road signs, and other related topics. This theory test site will help you to tackle all the questions.

    What are the requirements for obtaining a driver’s licence in Dubai ?

    In Dubai, getting a driver’s licence is not a simple process.

    To be able to drive legally in Dubai, you’ll need to pass a few examinations.The theoretical test is scheduled for you by your driving school.The RTA tests can be taken after passing all internal assessments, including the yard parking exam. For the RTA road test, you must score at least 70 out of 100 on the theory exam.


    Your theory test will likely be held in the driving school you enrolled in.

    You need to bring these important documents to the test:

    • Drive with an Emirates ID that is currently valid.
    • Photos of passport-sized 
    • The fees of the theoretical exam

    You’ll be tested on 35 questions related to road/driving dangers, signals and signs, and safe driving rules.

    There will be three parts in theory test.

    • Regarding driving circumstances, there are 17 questions in the first portion.
    • Eleven correct answers are required for this section to be passed.
    • A total of 18 questions about driving licences are included in this section.
    • To qualify for the final road exam, you must answer all 12 questions correctly.

    This section includes a series of clips illustrating various environmental circumstances for students to watch and identify potential risks. The purpose of the questions in this section is to know your game plan to tackle these conditions and their risks. This theory test site will help you prepare all the sections mentioned above .

    The driving theory test is administered in either English or Arabic using a touch-screen computer. Candidates who are not fluent in these languages have the option of taking an oral examination instead, this theory test site will help you to prepare your test in English, Arabic as well as Urdu, you may choose any according to your convenience.


    In your driving school’s bright yard, you can take a fully automated exam with step-by-by-step parking instructions. To pass the parking test, you must complete all five steps.

    • Parking on an incline or hillside
    • A set of quick-release braking mechanisms
    • Parking at an Angle (60 degrees)
    • Parking in the Garage (90 degrees)
    • Parking on the Side of the Road

    Failure to pass a parking test on five separate occasions will result in an internal assessment.


    This is the point where challenges starts in obtaining a driving licence in Dubai. It’s because this is where you demonstrate to the examiner that you are deserving of your driving license—and you only have 10 to 12 minutes to do so!!

    So, this is a driving exam, that you need to be mentally prepare for it. Arrive at the RTA driving licence centre in Dubai on the date you were scheduled to take the test.

    • Driving Record of Emirates ID
    • Photos of passport-size dimensions are required.
    • The fee for a road test.

    To go to the specified car, you must follow the RTA inspector.

    Show off your overall driving prowess by driving your vehicle confidently when it’s your turn.


    Anyone who can obtain a driver’s licence in Dubai must remember to renew it on time. Fines and penalties for driving without a legal licence can be relatively high. As a result, checking your license’s expiration date is critical so you can renew it in Dubai on time.

    This theory test site provides all the guidance on obtaining a driver’s licence in Dubai. Expats who have a Dubai driving licence are more likely to find work in the UAE. Dubai also offers the option of obtaining an international driving licence if you find yourself travelling abroad frequently. 

    Find us on: ​​https://www.theorytest.ae/

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