All You Need to Know about PED1NE & Taimaz Etaati Latest Album Red Face


    PED1NE & Taimaz Etaati have collaborated on their album Red Face which was released recently. Red Face is produced under LETS TECHNO Records label. This album has four music tracks called Black Opal, Fake Dream, Metaroma, and Red Face. Red Face is the venue where the beat drops of the Electronic Dance Music meet the eccentric music of the Middle East. Every music track has its own story in Red Face. In the Following, we will discuss these tracks in short.

    Black Opal: To understand this music track, let’s start with its name. Black opals are among the most valuable types of opals. A black opal usually tells a story within another story; it has multiple layers and various colors. Each color tells a tale of its own. But their stories are never understood in isolation; mixed together they introduce an image, a story, and a life that is filled with adventure. You cannot embrace the entire story upon one look; you need to look deeper and longer. Just like the original black opal, the music track Black Opal introduces multiple layers of experience as well. It tells a story within another story, and at the end of the music, the listener is left wondering whether there is more to the story that is left for the next track or not. The music track has a strong build-up and the beats slowly develop into a rhythm that is best for the club dance floor. Like most of PED1NE’s music tracks, Black Opal is not merely an expression of what is told through the beats; it is the demonstration of what is left untold as well. Black Opal started as a mystery and ended as a mystery to me as well. Maybe that’s why I need to listen to the next tracks.

    Fake Dream: The mystery continues in the Fake Dream. As the name suggests, it introduces you to a realm beyond reality. Like most dreams, you may understand in the middle of the dream, that you are dreaming, and you might even wake up, but there is no waking up of the Fake Dream, at least not that one experiences immediately. If one can get high by merely listening to music, then one will definitely get high by listening to the Fake Dream. If you are willing to experience what it feels to daydream while you are fully awake and aware of your surroundings, then listen to Fake Dream not once but many times. Once you feel that level of ecstasy and once you reach that realm of experience where the dream world seems more desirable to you than the world you experience while you are awake, then congratulations! You have just experienced the magic of PED1NEwithin the Fake Dream soundtrack.

    Metaroma: Metaroma is a more difficult experience to put into words. It is not like the rest of Taimaz Etaati & PED1NE’s soundtracks. The rhythm is different. One might even say that Taimaz Etaati & PED1NE’s music has evolved into another level in Metaroma. Just like the name suggests, it goes beyond the rhythm and baseline of normal club house music.

    Red Face: Red Face is the final statement that PED1NE and Taimaz Etaati have made within this album. The color red in this music track brings forward a terrorizing tone. The genius of PED1NE and Taimaz Etaati is perfectly demonstrated within this track since it carries a gothic and dark undertone that introduces a new realm of experience to this type of music.

    “Taimaz and I started working on the Red Face album about a year ago,” says PED1NE. “We wrote the melody for Black Opal first. It was produced within the Eastern school of music. Once we wrote the drop melody for Black Opal, I figured it would be nice to push our musical platform towards Techno House beats a little bit. That is how we came up with the current version of Black Opal. We wrote the second track, Metaroma, within the Bass Line. And the third, Red Face, was written using pop musical chords. The musical effects within Red Face were manually created within Cubase synthesizer.” PED1NE managed to push the boundaries of Electro House Music slightly further in his latest album, the Red Face. Go to BeatPort, and check out his latest album.

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