Thunder Bay – WEATHER – There are no weather alerts or warnings in effect.
Thunder Bay
It is 7 in Thunder Bay this morning. Humidity is 96% and winds are from the West/Northwest at 8 km/h.
For Thursday the high will be 25 with clear skies.
The UV index will be 8 or high.
Tonight will start with clear skies, there will be increasing clouds after midnight along with a 30 per cent potential for rain overnight. The low will be 12.
Fort Frances
It is 13 in Fort Frances this morning. Humidity is 84% and winds are light at 6 km/h from the south.
Sunny skies will start Thursday. Expect a mix of sun and cloud late this afternoon with a 30 per cent chance of showers. There will be a risk of a thunderstorm late this afternoon. Winds will becoming south 20 km/h late this morning.
High 26. Humidex 28. UV index 8 or very high.
Tonight will see partly cloudy skies with a 60 per cent chance of showers this evening with risk of a thunderstorm. Low overnight of 16.
Dryden and Vermilion Bay
It is 15 in Dryden at the airport this morning. Humidity is 86%. Winds are 13 km/h from the south.
Sunny skies this morning will become a mix of sun and cloud this afternoon. Winds will be from the south at 20 km/h late this morning.
High 26. Humidex 28. UV index 8 or very high.
Tonight will see mainly cloudy skies with a 40 per cent chance of showers with risk of a thunderstorm. Low overnight of 17.
Sandy Lake
It is 18 in Sandy Lake this morning. Winds are from the Southwest at 5 km/h. Humidity is 73%.
Thursday will see sunny skies to start the morning. There will be increasing cloudiness this afternoon with a 30 per cent chance of showers late this afternoon. There will be a risk of a thunderstorm late this afternoon.
Winds will become south 20 km/h gusting to 40 this morning.
High 27. Humidex 30. UV index 8 or very high.
Tonight will see mainly cloudy skies with a 60 per cent chance of showers. There will be a risk of a thunderstorm this evening. Winds will be from the southwest at 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low overnight of 16.