Student from the USA Vlad Nikulin is raising money to help Ukraine and spreading information about it

Vlad Nululin
Vlad Nululin

Numerous stories about Ukrainian children doing their best to help bring victory over the aggressor are really astonishing and impressive. Some of them decide to raise funds by selling flowers, pastries, and lemonade on the street while others play the flute, perform chess battles, sell favorite toys, or refuse to receive expensive gifts for the sake of collecting and transferring funds for the needs of our army.

The Ukrainian edition of writes about Vladislav Nikulin. He is a student from Odesa who talks about the war in Ukraine and raises funds for his hometown Odesa while studying in America.

It is worth noting that Vlad is only 15 years old, but he has already established himself as an ambassador of Ukraine by promoting the name of our country among American youth. Since the beginning of the war, Vlad managed to be successful in his studies, thus becoming the best Ukrainian student in an American school. In addition, he also delivered daily speeches and provided photo-proofs to his peers, friends, and students, thus telling them about the war in Ukraine in order to convey the truth about the Russian armed aggression in our state:

“My main mission is to tell as detailed as possible about Russia’s military aggression against my homeland and my hometown of Odessa. Every single day during the last three months, I gave speeches and showed photos of atrocities and killings of civilians by Russian soldiers in Ukraine during the morning lessons for different groups of students at school in the USA.”

Under the patronage of UNICEF, Vlad managed to raise about 9 thousand dollars to help Ukrainian migrants and send funds to Odesa. He sees his further mission in continuing to promote Ukraine all around the world and contribute to the collection of funds to support our country in the fight against the aggressor.

“I want to thank everyone who supported me in my little mission. My family and friends, everyone who joined the fund-raising process, partners of UNICEF, and especially my beloved aunt Alyona Shevtsova, who has been an example for me for many years in her approach to charity and attitude towards Ukraine. Her example helped me to make a step forward toward this good deed. Irrespectively to our current location, we are on our way to victory,” says Vlad Nikulin, a student from Ukraine.

This young Ukrainian patriot plans to continue to actively cooperate with UNICEF and Red Cross, collecting humanitarian aid and funds for the needs of Ukrainians affected by the war. We are proud of our children.

More detailed information can be found on Vlad Nikulin’s Instagram

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