Where Different States Stand on Sports Betting


Historically, sportsbook betting has occupied a gray area in the United States. However, this all changed in 2018 when the Supreme Court declared that any state can legally operate sports betting enterprises. Despite this long-overdue victory, some states have been dragging their heels in finalizing legislation. Many states have still outlaw tennis and sports betting entirely, while others only allow wagers to be placed in person. Unsure of where your state stands? Read on for everything you need to know.

Which States Allow Sports Betting?

Technically, every state is in a position to legalize tennis and sportsbook betting. However, the reality is markedly different. Currently, only a handful of states support full-scale sports betting across all platforms. Nevada currently allows individuals to place wagers in-person and via mobile devices. What’s more, there are no significant restrictions in place. Delaware is also fairly relaxed when it comes to sports betting rules. In-person wagers are allowed, although individuals aren’t allowed to place bets on the outcome of college team fixtures.

Rules in New Jersey are largely similar, although mobile betting is allowed in addition to in-person wagers. However, as with Delaware, betting on collegiate events is currently prohibited.

In-state college bets are currently prohibited across many states, including New Mexico, Rhode Island, Arkansas, and New York. Gamblers will also find it impossible to bet on in-st\te college events in Oregon, New Hampshire, Michigan, and elsewhere.

In Iowa, rules are a little more complex. In-state college betting is allowed, but significant restrictions are in place. Meanwhile, in Indiana, in-state college athletic bets are allowed, provided the stake isn’t a prop bet.

Where is Sportsbook Betting Illegal?

Although the Supreme Court has given the nod for sportsbook betting, some states have been slow to give the green light to sports wagers.

Alabama has put forward multiple bills to make sportsbook betting legal. However, with no established gambling industry, it’s little surprise that legal sports betting is still a way off. In Alaska, things are moving in the right direction, despite a proposed bill expiring in early 2020.

Looking to wager on tennis events in California? Although sportsbook betting is currently illegal in the Golden State, legislation has been proposed. Expect to see sports betting approved in the next 12-18 months. Based in Georgia? Policy makers have been hard at work to get a sports betting bill past the house. Previous bills have failed, but lawmakers remain committed to pushing a bill past the post.

Elsewhere in the United States, things look more positive. Although sports betting is currently prohibited in Kansas, Kentucky, and Missouri, legislation has been proposed to allow gamblers to enjoy a wager on their favorite teams. In North Dakota, South Carolina, and Texas, lawmakers are also hard at work pushing bills through the courts to make sportsbook betting more accessible.

The Future of Tennis and Sports Betting in the United States

Despite the 2018 Supreme Court ruling, legal sports betting is still to be adopted at a state level in many parts of the country. However, expect the majority of states to embrace legalized sports betting in the next few years. By 2033, the sports gambling market is expected to be worth almost $40 billion.

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