Thunder Bay Rainfall Warning Update – Five to Ten MM To Come

Rainfall Warning

69.4 mm of Precipitation Recorded at Thunder Bay Airport

THUNDER BAY – WEATHER – The rainfall continues in Thunder Bay. Environment Canada has updated the rainfall warning.

The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority has updated the Flood Outlook.

Additional rainfall amounts of 5 to 10 mm are expected with showers over some areas tonight. There has been the equivalent of 69.4 mm of precipitation since Friday night at 9:00 PM EDT recorded at the Thunder Bay Airport.

Showers are expected to come to an end Sunday morning or afternoon.

Rainfall warning in effect for:

  • City of Thunder Bay

Rain, heavy at times continues. The frozen ground has a reduced ability to absorb this rainfall.

There are reports of flooding in parts of the city. The Dollarama shops in Northwood and Arthur Street were closed today. So was the Bulk Zone on McDonnell Street in the Intercity area.

There are reports into the newsroom into the late afternoon of basement flooding in parts of the city.

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