Toronto Adopts Digital Infrastructure Strategic Framework


TORONTO – TECH – “With technology playing an increasingly major role in City services and residents’ lives, the DISF is an important step in ensuring decisions made related to technology are equitable, inclusive and prioritize privacy and security,” states Toronto Mayor John Tory.

Toronto City Council unanimously adopted the Digital Infrastructure Strategic Framework (DISF) – a principles-based approach that establishes how the City will plan for and use technology and data. The DISF serves as an overarching strategy for how decisions related to the City’s technology and data are made, including the values that should guide decision-making on a day-to-day basis, and in the long-term.

The new City-wide strategy is founded on a set of principles that will ensure that decisions the City makes related to technology and data are equitable and inclusive, enable high quality and innovative public services, enhance the quality of life and economic prosperity of Torontonians, prioritize privacy and security, ensure transparency and provide more opportunities for public consultation.

The DISF was created in response to a February 2019 City Council directive to develop a City-wide policy framework and governance model associated with digital infrastructure. Input and advice from a wide range of audiences, including a Community Advisory Group, members of the public and industry stakeholders, helped to shape and finalize the framework.

The DISF will apply to technology and data initiatives in all City divisions as well as digital infrastructure initiatives in City-owned areas of the public realm including streets, sidewalks, parks, open spaces and publicly accessible portions of City-owned buildings. It will not apply to private residences or privately owned portions of the public realm.

Toronto is a member of the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights, a network of over 50 cities worldwide that help each other navigate complex issues related to digital rights-based policy making. The approval of the DISF advances the principles and declaration set out by the Coalition. More information about the Cities Coalition of Digital Rights is available on the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights’ website:

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