ED and Hair Loss Embarrassing? Rocky Doesn’t Think So.


    Removing the stigma from men’s health.

    It’s 2022 and the landscape of how we do things has dramatically changed. Trips to doctors’ offices, pharmacies, and even grocery stores have become less frequent, almost unnecessary. We can thank consumer adoption of tech and the pandemic for that.

    Imagine a trip to the mailbox that can drastically help you become a better you. Now stop imagining. Enter Rocky. A brand tailored to men, with the main focus to normalize men’s health and the stigma surrounding it. Rocky provides solutions for embarrassing, yet common issues that men have historically been keeping to themselves- erectile dysfunction and hair loss.

    Some cold hard facts for you: 1 in 3 men suffer from ED and 2 in 3 men experience hair loss over their lifetime. Yes, you read that correctly! These stats are staggering considering these are your prime years.

    ED can come in different forms, ranging from performance anxiety and nervousness to substance use; and yes, that includes cannabis and alcohol. Hair loss too can result from several different reasons – age, genetics, immune system or hormonal imbalance to name a few. Most men believe these factors are out of their hands. Rocky is here to change that.

    Rocky offers a range of products for both verticals including prescription, over-the-counter, and organic solutions. So, whether you need Viagra and a numbing cream to help you last longer, or Rogaine with an organic shampoo to help regrow your hair, Rocky has it all. They offer the flexibility of a one-time purchase or a recurring subscription, both of which are custom-tailored and mailed discreetly to you. The best part? Their platform is accessible 24/7.

    The online subscription service for men is a rapidly growing industry thanks to the good guys at Dollar Shave Club and Lumin. “People don’t realize that prescription medication is already a subscription service, it’s just called something else in the pharmacy,” says co-founder Mina Rizk. “Having the luxury of not leaving your house to see a doctor and go to a pharmacy is a game-changer.”

    The Rocky co-founders are young healthcare professionals who understand the struggles that males face firsthand from real-life practice in their respective clinics and pharmacies. They noticed that the combination of discomfort, awkwardness, and high stigma of these conditions resulted in a lack of appropriate medical care. “Living in denial is unhealthy,” says Rizk. “We just want men to know they’re not alone.”

    The Rocky team did a deep dive into the telehealth space and found that every company lacked a thing or two. Whether they charged a hefty consultation fee, forced you to get on an awkward video call, or had a large minimum order, the options were simply unfeasible. The problem was never truly solved. This is why Rocky set out to be the most affordable and frictionless platform available.

    “Believe it or not, everything about a doctor visit, a pharmacy visit, and even the medication packaging was adding to the stigma,” says co-founder Aba Anton. “This is where Rocky literally rewrites the script.”

    The process is simple: Go to myrocky.ca, create an account, choose which product(s) you need and they ship right to your door. The medication is prescribed by an in-house doctor and fulfilled through their own pharmacy.

    The branding is sophisticated and sleek; something you wouldn’t want to hide in your medicine cabinet, in fact you’d probably showcase it on your vanity. Even when perusing their website, you can see the strength and confidence in the brand conveyed throughout. The copy on their platform and social media is fun and witty, taking away from the seriousness of the topics and resonating well with their target demographic.

    “We wanted the end result to be a product that doesn’t look or feel like anything you’d get at a pharmacy or clinic,” says Anton. “Everything from the name, to the packaging helps achieve that. We want men to be proud to use Rocky.”

    Rocky is quickly gaining traction and building a community which is positively impacting men’s health. The backbone of this community understands and shares the narrative: ED and hair loss are not a big problem– they just happen.

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