The Canada Unity Memorandum of Understanding

Speech from the Throne

An Overthrow of Parliament with the Help of Parliament and the Governor General?

THUNDER BAY – NEWS – The ‘Freedom Convoy 2022’ has stated that they will stay in Ottawa until all of their demands are met.

There are it appears a number of different agendas at play within the protests that have continued in Ottawa, but also expanded to the Coutts Alberta border crossing, the Manitoba Legislature and the Ontario Legislature.

Canada Unity, one of the groups behind the organization of the Freedom Convoy is advocating a peaceful overthrow of the Trudeau government and they are actually looking for help from the Senate and Governor General in order to achieve that goal.

Canadian law does not have provision which would allow an agreement of this type to override the duly elected government represented in the Commons. However that doesn’t appear to matter for Canada Unity, who refer to the Senate and Governor General as ‘The highest authorities representing the Federal Government.

The passion and frustration of the pandemic have be captured as a moment in Canada’s story with the rallies, the convoy and the ongoing protests.

Realistically, in our democracy, protest is certainly a part of the process. So too are elections. One may, or may not like the results of the election. However each political party put forward their platform, presented their candidates, and shared their stand(s) on the issues and the voters decided.

It is the system of government Canada has had since Confederation. It certainly isn’t perfect.

A question for

It might however be worth looking at exactly what the end game or games really are here:

Introduction to The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


“All that tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

Thomas Jefferson

Dear Canadian Citizens, Indigenous Communities, and Permanent Residents:

Thank you for choosing to take part in this unprecedented Nationwide movement. Canada Unity represents and defends a coalition of Concerned Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents, Indigenous Communities, Employers, Employees from private and government bodies, Institutions and Businesses at large. The bond we have in common is that we stand opposed to the current unlawful restrictions and discriminatory SARS-CoV-2 (and not limited to SARS-CoV-2 subsequent variations) mandates.

The key to ending the current spike in discrimination and segregation issues impacting millions of Canadians resides within this attached “Memorandum of Understanding” or MOU. Few of us may be familiar with what this document is. To briefly summarize, an MOU is a document describing the broad outlines of an agreement that two or more parties have reached.

In this case the parties are “THE PEOPLE OF CANADA”, the “SENATE OF CANADA”, and “THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA”, the highest authorities representing the Federal Government. The matter to be discussed and agreed upon is this; The Senate of Canada and the Governor General, combined referred to as the Federal Government are to uphold and enforce all Canadian and International Human Rights Laws that are clearly laid out in the MOU or “RESIGN their lawful positions of authority Immediately”.

By having the Senate of Canada and the Governor General of Canada sign this MOU into action, they agree to immediately cease and desist all unconstitutional, discriminatory and segregating actions and human rights violations. It calls for an immediate instruction to all levels of the Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Municipal governments to not only stop but furthermore waive all SARS-CoV-2 (and not limited to SARSCoV-2 subsequent variations) fines that have been issued and imposed upon its citizens, institutions, and private enterprises. Further, to immediately re-instate all employees in all branches of all levels of governments and not limited to promote the same to the private industry and institutional sectors employees with full lawful employment rights prior to wrongful and unlawful dismissals. Lastly it instructs all levels of government and private Sector that the Illegal use of a Vaccine Passport to cease and desist immediately.

What can I do as a Canadian?

You can be a hero; you can stand for truth and justice today with hardly any effort. Please take the time to read the attached MOU. If you believe in what Canada Unity is doing, add your signature and your voice to this document before it heads to Ottawa. Let the Senate of Canada and The Governor General of Canada know that you are aware of your Human Rights and that you are demanding they be upheld and enforced. You are not just standing for yourself by doing this. You are standing up for everyone you know and even those you will never meet. By signing, you are saying you want the Law to be returned to Ottawa!!

Let us make history in Unity, we trust and thank you for your commitment and undivided support.


From the Desk of Canada Unity


This Memorandum of Understanding (the “Memorandum”) is made this ___ day of _________ 2021, duly signed at place, Ottawa by and between the Parties; Concerned Canadian Citizens, Indigenous Communities, and Permanent Residents, which includes Employers, Employees from private and government bodies, Institutions and Businesses at largerepresented by; Canada Unity, located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and further represented by; Mr. and Ms. James and Sandra Bauder, Citizens of Canada and Mr. Martin Brodmann, Citizen of Canada; and, The Senate of Canada comprised of; The Present 105 Honorable Senators, located in Ottawa, Canada, represented by; the present Honorable George J. Furey, QC-Speaker of the Senate and not limited to present sworn in sitting Honorable Senators and representative Speaker of the Senate;


The Governor General of Canada Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary May Simon representing The Queen in Canada;and by endorsement of, The Senate of Canada represented by; Honorable George J. Furey, QC-Speaker of the Senate and The Governor General of Canada Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary May Simon, the highest authorities representing the Federal Government, herein further referred to as “The Government of Canada” who endorses this “Initiative” and the purpose of achieving the various aims and objectives relating to the no mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations /programs and no segregation initiatives et al on Private and Government bodies, institutions et al citizens and people and or entities et al (the “Initiative”), separate attached referenced documents are part of this “Memorandum” and named Schedules A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L, as specified on page 6 of this document and will be made available to the committee once formed.

WHEREAS: The Parties desire to enter into the formula in which each Party appoints an “Entity” representing their interests and these Entities are commissioned to work together to complete the “Initiative”;

AND WHEREAS: The Parties desire to enter into a “Memorandum” between them, setting out the working arrangements and the general directives for each of the appointed “Entities” as necessary to complete the “Initiative”.


Canada Unity (CU) offers this “Memorandum” to the Senate of Canada and the Governor General of Canada, the highest authorities representing the Federal Government (SCGGC) as “The Government of Canada”. Acceptance by endorsement of this “Memorandum” and its valuable considerations, will solidify our mutual accord as further detailed in the understanding.


The appointed “Entities” agree to work together in the true spirit of partnership to ensure there is a united, visible, and responsive leadership of the “Initiative” and to demonstrate fair practice according to the Canadian Constitution, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and Privacy Act and as further described in Article 3.d. of this “Memorandum” administrative and managerial commitment to the



a. CU & SCGGC agree to form a committee, called the Citizens of Canada Committee (CCC).

b. SCGGC undertakes and appoints authorized (CCC) representatives.

c. CU undertakes and appoints authorized (CCC) representatives.

d. CU & SCGGC adopts and adheres to The Government of Canada’s agreements on transparency in matters related to the Canadian Federal Referendum Act, Canadian Constitution, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, Canadian HumanRights Act, Canadian Bill of Rights, National Security Act 2017, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, Tri Council Policy Statement, National and International Human Rights Declarations and such Regulations et al, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki all as provided by law, and not only limited to latest additions, addendums and revisions; and to be precise including laws, regulations and declarations prior to SARS-CoV-2, and any subsequent variations of SARS-CoV-2.

e. SCGGC will effective as of midnight on this ___, day of ___________, 2021 instruct all levels of the Federal, Provincial, Territorial, and Municipal governments to immediately cease and desist all unconstitutional human rights, discriminatory and segregated actions, and not limited to, immediately instruct all levels of the Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Municipal governments to not only stop, but furthermore waive all SARS-CoV-2 (and not limited to SARS-CoV-2 subsequent variations) fines that have been issued and imposed upon its citizens, institutions, and private enterprises.

f. SCGGC will effective as of midnight on this ___, day of ___________, 2021, instruct all levels ofthe Federal, Provincial, Territorial, and Municipal governments to re-instate all employees in all branches of governments and, not limited to promote the same to the private industry and institutional sectors employees with full lawful employment rights prior to the wrongful and unlawful dismissals that stem from the SARS-CoV-2 (and not limited to SARS-CoV-2 subsequent variations) vaccine passport mandates.

g. SCGGC will effective as of midnight on this ___, day of ___________, 2021, issue a cease-and desist order abolishing all Federal, Provincial, Territorial, and Municipal Vaccine Passport requirements, Vaccine discriminatory regulations, initiatives, and mandates in regard to SARSCoV-2 (and not limited to SARS-CoV-2 subsequent variations).

h. Further, SCGGC will effective as of midnight on this ___, day of ___________, 2021, issue a cease-and-desist order to the respected Honorable Members of the Government of Canada with the consequent instructions to further instruct the Premiers of the Provinces and Territories, the Mayors of the respected Municipalities and, the respected Federal, Provincial, Territorial, and Municipal Medical Officers to stop all such unlawful activities pursuant to ARTICLE 3. MANDATE section d. of this “Memorandum.”

i. Canada is a lawful member of the Helsinki Declaration to name one but not limited to additional Canadian and International Human Rights Laws and Regulations et al and therefore enacts its duty and responsibility to make any and all laws and regulations available to its citizens; further, to enforce and uphold such laws, regulations, and declaration(s) on behalf of its Citizens of Canada.

j. By signing this “Memorandum”, CU will immediately stop “Operation Bear Hug Ottawa”, demonstration / convoy and Federal Referendum activities and will strive to work with all groupsand entities et al to bring this country together in unity.

k. CU & SCGGC agree to have the CCC committee formed within 10 days of acceptance and signing of this “Memorandum”.

l. CU & SCGGC agree to have a final “signed” and publicly released agreement in place within “no later than 90 days” of acceptance and signing of this “Memorandum”.

m. CU & SCGGC agree to only release jointly approved media / press statements on a daily basis during the time schedule specified in ARTICLE 3. MANDATE section paragraph k. and l.

n. SCGGC will immediately make available all schedules as described in ARTICLE 3. MANDATE section paragraph d. available to the CCC committee.


a. CU has no political or corporate affiliations or influences. CU, the Representative of The People of Canada for human rights violations, discriminatory actions violations and not limited to segregation actions and violations.

b. CU is not an anti-vaccine organization; CU stands for lawful freedom of personal choice with no discrimination, discriminatory actions, united segregation campaigns, referendums, laws and / or regulations et al.

c. SCGGC will represent itself as The Government of Canada as a whole and not party related.


The arrangements made by the Parties to this “Memorandum” shall remain imbedded in this document and shall remain in full force to the date a final agreement is reached and duly signed.


This Memorandum shall be construed in accordance with the Laws of Canada and the International Human Rights Commissions.


This Memorandum constitutes the entire “Memorandum” between the Parties relating to this subject matter and supersedes all prior or simultaneous representations, discussions, or negotiations, whether written or oral unless attached to this Memorandum.


CU & SCGGC will be responsible to cooperate in good faith by upholding matters pertinent and relevant to the substantive efforts required by all Parties to this “Initiative” going forward.

Terms and Conditions have been reached by the Parties to this “Memorandum” and collectively herebyattest to these provisions and supporting attachments by the authorised signature endorsement of this “Memorandum” on the date and place first written above.

Three original documents, to be held on file for future reference of this “Memorandum” has been sent;

one to The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to the attention of President Nazahat Shameen Khan; one to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, commonly known as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) or the United Nations Human Rights Office to the attention of the H igh Commissioner Michelle Bachelet of Chile ; both organization’s headquarters located in Geneva Switzerland; and one to the Canadian Human Rights Commission to the attention of Chief Commissioner Marie-Claude Landry, AD.E. located in Ottawa, Canada.

This “Memorandum” shall be deemed as a lawful binding document, not only when executed by way of signature of all parties, but furthermore, shall be deemed as a National and International court admissible, evidence-based document, by way of electronic endorsed and acceptance by its Canadian Citizens, Indigenous Communities, and Permanent Residents as attached hereto.

Signed in Full Agreement of this of this “Memorandum” on this ___, day of ___________, 2021.

Authorized Signatory;

Representative of Canada Unity

Mr. James Bauder


Authorized Signatory;

Representative of Canada Unity

Ms. Sandra Bauder


Authorized Signatory;

Representative of Canada Unity

Mr. Martin Brodmann


Authorized Signatory;

The Senate of Canada, Speaker of the Senate

Honorable George J, Furey


Authorized Signatory;

Governor General of Canada

Her Excellency, the Right Honourable Mary May Simon


Schedule A

Canadian Federal Referendum Act of Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents

Schedule B

Canadian Constitution

Schedule C

Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act

Schedule D

National & International Human Rights Declarations and Regulations

Schedule E

The Nuremberg Code

Schedule F

WMA Declaration of Helsinki-Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects

Schedule G

Tri Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans; as provided by Law

Schedule H

Canadian Human Rights Act

Schedule I

Canadian Bill of Rights

Schedule J

National Security Act 2017

Schedule K

Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act (S.C. 2000, c. 24)

Schedule L

Endorsement and Signature Pages of The People of Canada

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