Chronic pelvic pain and urinary symptoms caused by BPH relieved with Dr Allen’s Device


Men with chronic pelvic pain and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) can ease these disturbing symptoms with Dr Allen’s Device. No BPH drugs or antibiotics are necessary.

Patented for its unique non-invasive design, Dr Allen’s Device and Thermobalancing therapy have been in use for over 12 years as an effective at-home treatment without risky surgery, medications, and courses of prostate massage.

Thermobalancing therapy is suitable for men of all ages

Chronic pelvic pain and urinary symptoms are truly frustrating problems for younger men with chronic prostatitis and older men typically affected by enlarged prostate, known as BPH or BPE.

Thermobalancing therapy is effective as targets the cause of chronic prostate diseases. The use of Dr Allen’s Device eliminates micro-hypothermia locally in the affected prostate gland that eases inflammation in the prostate and terminates the process of its progressive enlargement. This therapy is unique. Moreover, Dr Allen’s Device utilises the body’s own heat to regulate the temperature locally in the prostate gland.

The scientific article, titled “Innovative Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen’s Device for the first time employ body energy to treat chronic prostatic diseases effectively”, published in a leading International Journal of Quality Innovation, explains how exactly this therapy reduces chronic pelvic pain and urinary symptoms,

It should be noted that Dr Allen’s Device is the only clinically proven product that actually treats the cause of BPH and chronic prostatitis with pelvic pain.

Regular therapies for BPH and CP/CPPS have serious side effects

There are widespread attempts to treat both of these conditions in a similar way, that is by using risky medications, such as long-term courses of antibiotics, alpha-blocking agents and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors.

It’s well known that the overuse of antibiotics can depress the immune system and lead to antibiotic resistance. Their use often causes skin rash and other allergic reactions, upset stomach, nausea, loss of appetite and abdominal pain.

Alpha-blockers, such as tamsulosin (Flomax) and others, can cause retrograde ejaculation and the overall weakness in the body. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride and dutasteride, Avodart, Proscar and Propecia, can cause many irreversible side effects: impotence, depression, testicle pain, and even diabetes. None of these drugs are designed to improve the condition of the prostate gland, and so their effectiveness is short-lived.

Sometimes, men resort to prostatic massage, which can result into a number of nasty health problems: the damage of the prostate tissue, the development of prostatic calculi, acute epididymitis, the occurrence and worsening of hemorrhoids, and other nasty problems.


Dr Allen’s Device is a safe and cost-effective solution for BPH and CP/CPPS

Fine Treatment ensures that the therapeutic Dr Allen’s Device can reach men all over the world. It costs peanuts compared to anything else out there on the market. Moreover, free delivery guaranteed by Royal Mail tracking service is currently on offer.


Dr Allen’s Device is made in the UK and registered with a British medical regulator MHRA. So, its safety is well tested and approved. For more than a decade, Dr. Allen’s Device for Prostate Treatment has been successfully used by thousands of men with chronic pelvic pain and BPH across 100 countries.


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