Jason Cohen and Steve Valdivia want their clients to go beyond the 9 to 5 world


This globe revolves around the Internet and it’s nearly inevitable to separate yourself from the digital space. Make it or break it – the only mantra that is acceptable to sustain in this space. It simply means that we can either make the most out of the internet or we have to be ready to drown down as these Internet waves are surely going to get larger with time. Jason Cohen and Steve Valdivia were well aware of the mantra and they chose to make the best out of digital space by setting their E-commerce store on Amazon.

They knew that there is definitely something more to do with so many digital resources and it would surely land them in a place much better than being stuck in a 9 to 5 job. The aura that they had created for themselves soon attracted numerous people and this made them realise that so many people out there are yet to explore the world that goes beyond their desk jobs. Jason Cohen and Steve Valdivia were keen on helping such people and decided to start their new venture – Next Automated that would help people to start their own E-commerce store.

Next automated wanted to give the smoothest experience to its clients by ensuring that they earn their passive income without having to put in any effort. After all, a 9 to 5 job would require a person to go through strenuous tasks draining their mental and physical energy. Next Automated believed that attending calls and meetings, handling hundreds of papers and files, dealing with never ending computer work, meeting deadlines and ending up getting no credits for all this hard work was not what their clients deserved. Such a life would be so robotic and exhausting leaving no space for the person to explore around. Jason Cohen and Steve Valdivia firmly believed that their clients need to stop working a mechanical life and rather take a comfort zone and let Next Automated make money for them.

Next Automated wanted to give their clients an opportunity to earn more money passively from their own E-commerce store than they could have from their 9 to 5 job. Jason Cohen and Steve Valdivia want their clients as well to make the most out of the digital space. The Internet is a vast ocean and there is certainly so much that an individual can do with it and through Next Automated, it would be a cakewalk to surf over the digital waves. Their initiative certainly holds so many benefits for the freshers in the E-commerce industry and we wish them good luck to expand this initiative worldwide.

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