Alexa Is Shutting Down; Which Is The Best Data Alternative?

4155 is an Amazon company that was established 20 years ago. It offers internet tracking services, traffic monitoring, and assessment of the website users’ behaviors as they navigate from one page to another.

Amazon is not planning to switch off the Alexa voice assistant. Don’t feel threatened in any way; you will still be able to shout at any Alexa-enabled device at the corner of your room to turn on or switch off the lights. If you’re the whole-rounded beneficiary of Amazon, then you’ve probably heard about the Amazon internet services being shut down by 1st May 2022.

Well, if you’ve been using Alexa alone and unfortunately now it’s closing its doors despite being your preferable website ranking platform, don’t worry. From this article you’ll get to know about the best Alexa alternative that is trusted, tested, and proven to perform even more than Amazon’s Alexa.

What is Alexa’s Internet Service?

Alexa’s internet marketing data tool has been in operation for the past 2 decades. The data set offer a wide range of tools with detailed insights about the most popular sites. In addition, it has a website analysis feature that helps in increasing the organic search performance of your site.

The famous element in Alexa’s internet service is the Alexa rank. The Alexa rank is the score that acts as an indication of the website’s popularity. It’s a valuable plugin for Alexa users because it helps measure whether a link to a given website is valuable enough to help enhance the search engine optimization efforts.

Alexa’s Internet Services also included other crucial tools such as;

Site Metrics; This provided clickstream data that calculated variables such as Bounce Rate, Daily Pageviews per Visit, and Daily Time on Site. It also calculated the domain’s primary traffic sources and the distribution of a site’s audience.

Competitive Analysis; This calculated the site’s position compared to that of the competitors and gave useful information, such as the top referring sites, audience overlap with competitors, and top keywords. The Alexa Site Flow statistics from competitive analysis also showed you the site your users visited and the sites they visited after leaving your website.

Social Engagement Analysis; Social engagement analysis tool helped in the high-level social data in areas like;

  • Top Social Topics – Shows the top topics based on total traffic engagement amongst the website and competitors.
  • Social Engagement – Shows total articles and the average engagement across all the websites.
  • Popular Articles – the statistics of popular articles inform the top articles based on total engagement.

Keyword Opportunities; The users had interesting keyword data elements, including Keyword Gaps, Easy-to-Rank Keywords, Buyer Keywords, and Optimization Opportunities.

Traffic Statistics; Traffic statistics were sourced from the Alexa ranking and could help rank global internet engagement and traffic.

Alexa has helped the internet markets to meet their business objectives without too much struggles for more than 20 years. Sadly, Amazon is now shutting it down from May 2022. With that in mind, let’s consider checking at some of the completive analysis platforms that can work as an alternative to your Alexa.

Alternatives to Amazon’s Alexa

  1. Similarweb – The most trusted and comprehensive competitive analysis platform to help in website ranking as you work to identify the most popular websites.
  2. Authoritas – A big data-driven Search engine optimization platform
  3. Ahrefs – well-renowned Search engine optimization platform
  4. SEMrush – Data-driven Search engine optimization platform
  5. Comscore – Competitive analysis tool

The Best Data Alternative for Alexa

Of the 5 Alexa alternatives highlighted above, Similarweb is the one that stands out as the most trusted competitive intelligence platform out there. It’s the main solution in data collection, data analysis, and the provision of adequate insight for the website’s report.

Similarweb has metrics geared more towards providing competitive insights in website ranking to help marketers overtake their competitors. In short, if you need to focus on keeping big data with the ultimate result for your business, then you need Similarweb as your alternate.

About Similarweb

Similarweb is a technology platform that collects data from Android and iPhone applications via ISPs and SDKs. The competitive intelligence tool allows you to install its tracking code to your website and provides the SDK to third-party developers to install in their apps, allowing it to track user behavior across the websites and applications.

As a result, it will collect enormous amounts of clickstream data to fuel the performance of your product as it draws the essential algorithms to help you stand out from the competitors. It works similarly with Amazon’s Alexa service in website ranking for data collection and analysis. However, according to the recent customer reviews, it’s significantly boosted by the convenience and accessibility of advanced features to work better than

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