Who is called a music producer? The words of Ali Pourmohamad, the most famous producer of music projects


You must have heard in various places that the word “producer” refers to an artist.  For example, the same talent programs that are broadcast every year and the judges are called producers.

The word Producer means producer or producer.  In order to present any art, it is usually necessary for a producer to provide the capital and costs for presenting it, for example, the producer in a film is responsible for financing the production of a film so that the film reaches the screening stage.

In the art of music, there are two types of producers.  One is the Executive Producer and the other is the Music Producer or Record Producer.

In the world of music, this title belongs to a person whose various stages of recording and mixing music are done under his guidance and opinion.  The music recording supervisor must be a musician.  Usually from the beginning of the recording of a music work in the recording studio, the recording attendant is present and supervises the way of recording that work.  Because it may not have the science of the studio recording and finalization process.

The recording supervisor is usually chosen from professional musicians, conductors, or composers.  Sometimes the composer of a piece of music acts as a recording supervisor and monitors and records his work.  In most music recordings, the composer or arranger is present in the studio alongside the recording supervisor, conductor, and sound engineer.

The executive producer is often not the musician and is responsible for planning and financing the album and concert and making the necessary arrangements.

Check him out on instagram.com/ali

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