Let’s read what Mohd Talib a 23-year-old influencer & serial entrepreneur from Lucknow has to say to all those who aspire to establish their own business.

Mohd Talib
Mohd Talib

Here is someone who doesn’t like to take orders from others. Yes! We are talking about a young lad from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. His name is Mohd Talib. He believes pleasure in the job ,puts perfection in the work.

This 23-year-old wanted to be his own boss. And for that he has worked very hard and gracefully achieved what he always desired. He thinks that working 9 to 5 is not his cup of tea. He wants flexible working hours,healthier work-life,luxury to say ‘NO’ to the work he doesn’t like.

You might know him as a social media influencer but may not have thought of him as a serial entrepreneur before. But he is.

Mohd Talib founded TJ pharma, his own pharmaceutical distribution company, later invested in pharmaceutical manufacturing , he established his own construction company as well.

Mohd Talib shared 5 success mantras that helped him in every direction.

1. GOAL SETTING SKILLS- When you are a serial entrepreneur,setting specific and measurable goals is essential to your success.
2. EXCELLENT TIME MANAGEMENT- It’s important to figure out how you can save time since you’ll be juggling management responsibilities for several businesses.
3. FLEXIBLE THINKING- Change is constant ,and the ability to change direction on a dime in order to profit and uncover better solutions is a quality all serial entrepreneurs share.
4. OPTIMISM- Having an optimistic spirit and outlook is crucial in a business world full of constant rejection and risks.
5. CURIOSITY- Last but not the least, it’s curiosity and exploration that allows a business owner to successfully grow and launch multiple startups.

Entrepreneurs are curious by nature. They love learning,testing theories and exploring ideas.

Apart from being a super passionate business man Mohd Talib is a social media influencer too, who work for big brands. These brands work in collaboration with him to expand their online social reach. He often uses his social media status to promote his own business ventures.

To conclude we would like to quote his words of inspiration “Are you trying to accomplish too many things ? Be a DOER, and not just a thinker. Success belongs to those who are willing to work harder than anyone else.”

Check out his instagram handle to know more about him.

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