How Parlay Travy Helps Bettors Make Successful Picks With His Expert Tips

Parlay Travy
Parlay Travy

Parlay Travy fell into sports betting consultation by accident. His life took a drastic turn when he quit his job, dropped out of college, and made a long-distance move to pursue a completely different field. During the process of beginning his new life, Travis started a social media account for fun with a focus on his passion for sports betting. After a few months, he quickly saw the potential for massive growth and adopted his true passion full time. Travis has traveled the world to sports bet and has risked, and won, hundreds of thousands of dollars. He flipped $22,000 to $264,000 through 4 consecutive bets during the 2021 NCAA Final Four Tournament in Vegas. Now, he runs Parlay Travy, a sports consulting business offering a variety of packages helping others do what they love.

Through sports consulting, Travis intends to give his clients an inside edge on who to bet on for different sporting events. Clients receive his detailed analysis and daily projected sports betting picks to boost their success rate in basketball, football, baseball, and hockey. Travis also studies college football and basketball, giving his expertise in those areas as well. Even though sports betting started as a personal hobby, Travis soon realized that he had the potential to help others achieve success with his skills. And with sports consulting, there is no ceiling regarding growth. “I was inspired by being able to do something that didn’t feel like work to me and that I could be my own boss at the same time. I would be able to work remotely and travel the world at my leisure,” he says.

Even though Travis is living his dream, it hasn’t come without challenges. But patience and discipline will see you through any challenge. It takes discipline to stay the course even when things don’t turn out the way you expect them to. When entering a new industry, you need patience to gain relevance and earn respect. The key is to have a vision and stick to it with a strong mindset. For Travis, cultivating positivity in your life is essential. Sports betting is known for its ups and downs. That positive mindset will help you stay unaffected by outside noise.

The average person may run from fear, but Travis believes it should be a catalyst for growth. When you face your fears, huge opportunities follow. It will help you find what makes you successful—what you are the best at in the world. For Travis, it may have taken leaving a job and dropping out of college, but he discovered he was the best at sports betting. Now, Travis is one of the most successful and well-known consultants in the industry. If anyone is going to chase their own dream, Travis says, above all, they have to be 100% invested in it. “You have to treat it like it’s the most important thing in your life and be willing to sacrifice anything for it. I haven’t taken a single day off since I’ve started my business and I believe that’s a huge reason for my success,” he says.

Travis prides himself on the great trust he builds with each and every client. He believes that customer service is everything, but it’s often neglected in the industry. Other sports consultants charge more than he does, yet don’t deliver consistent results. Travis, on the other hand, has found his sweet spot. He wants to attract all audiences, so he charges less, and offers a variety of packages to fit each bettor’s needs. Parlay Travy fills a special niche because, not only does it offer financial freedom for Travis, but for his clients, as well. Everyone wins.

What’s next for Parlay Travy? He says that what goes on behind the scenes of sports betting could easily be described as a movie, and he’d like to share that experience with everyone. So, Travis plans to hire a videographer to make that happen. You can follow Travis on Instagram @parlaytravyy.

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