Bean to Bar Chocolate maker with Indian and International flavors


BeeTee’s Melt Chocolates is a new bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturer founded in 2019 by Mrs.Thamarai in Chennai, India. The company is named Melt to represent the chocolate and its metaphor, which is made to melt in your mouth.

She explains that the search for tasty and healthy chocolate resulted in starting chocolate manufacturing on her own. She recommends everyone read the ingredients list carefully before consuming the chocolates or anything.

She completed international courses on chocolate making and continuously looking for ways to learn and explore the world of chocolate.

Melt Chocolates is a bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturer that makes fresh chocolate from scratch daily. All the chocolate flavors are made from scratch without artificial preservatives and chemicals. Each batch of the chocolate is produced in micro-batches and thereby guaranteeing quality and freshness.

The chocolates are made at international standards and they have an ISO 18000:22000 Certification and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certification. BeeTee’s Melt Chocolate is the only Bean to Bar Chocolate Maker to have both certifications.

Honest Ingredients

BeeTee’s Melt Chocolates uses all All Natural ingredients and uses only fresh ingredients sourced locally or directly from farmers. Thereby ensuring the quality of the raw materials and All Natural Chocolates.

In addition to having only all-natural ingredients – no refined sugar or preservatives – the founder wanted to make sure that they were health-friendly!

BeeTee’s Melt Chocolate puts the quality of the chocolate as the main motto and ensures that the Chocolates contains only the ingredients that are mentioned on the label. And the chocolates are made in micro-batches and do not contain any allergens or fillers or artificial fillers or hydrogenated oils.

The chocolates are gluten-free and soy-free, thus making this chocolate a favorable one for health-conscious people including people with the special dietary requirement.

Indian Chocolate

Though the chocolates are considered to be international food of international taste, here they ensure that the chocolates haves the local taste and touch. 54% Coconutmilk chocolate contains Coconutmilk which is a very unique Indian taste and it contains 54% of cacao content.

And the 48% Milk Chocolate contains brown sugar and the 72% Dark chocolate contains palm sugar. Both brown sugar and palm sugar are used in place of refined sugars and that gives Indianness to the chocolate.

BeeTee’s Melt Chocolates is on a mission to bring international standards of chocolate making into India. They strive to work with farmers who respect nature and practice sustainable farming methods.

The chocolates are made from single-origin cocoa beans from UTZ Certified farms, which is now a part of Rain Forest Alliance. Single-origin cocoa bean ensures that the taste of the chocolates is the same and unique.

Bean to Bar chocolate manufactured in India is no less than any imported chocolate and even it is better in quality when compared to many popular brands. The myth about imported chocolates are in a way a part of the past and people are looking ahead for real chocolate.


The packaging of the chocolate is very unique. The chocolate package contains a pictorial representation of the raw materials. Even the molds are customized to small sizes so that the chocolate can be consumed daily in a smaller quantity.

And they explain that the biggest problem in chocolate sales online is that the chocolate either melts or loses its shape during shipping. And they overcame this problem by ensuring that the chocolates are covered in double-layer and the outer layer with thermally insulated wrapping with reusable ice packs.

BeeTee’s Melt Chocolates had a serious setback during the COVID-19 outbreak right from sourcing the original raw material to the problem in importing the cacao bean to shipping the chocolates.

However, they came back stronger and overcame all the odds, and making a mark in the chocolate industry in the country. With the good response for their chocolate lineup, BeeTee’s Melt team is looking for the launch of new flavors.

BeeTee’s Melt Chocolate team claims that the Bean to Bar Chocolate sales is on the rise particularly after the COVID-19 because of the health awareness among the Indian middle class and technological development in the supply chain. They foresaw the revolution in the chocolate industry in India.

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